Category Archives: Primary 7 20/21

Dunlop House System – House Captains and House Vice Captains

When new pupils arrive at Dunlop Primary, their transition is supported by entry into a caring and supportive environment.

Each new pupil becomes a valued member of a small ‘family unit’ within Dunlop and are allocated a House.   Pupils stay within their house until they leave in P7, additionally we place siblings together within a house.

At Dunlop Primary, we have three house: Clerkland,  Glazert and Lugton. These are named after local areas.  Each house is represented by a different colour and we encourage pupils to wear their house colours on days throughout the year.
Clerkalnd = Blue
Glazert = Yellow
Lugton = Red

House Captains

At the beginning of the school year, a P7 is elected House Captain and takes on the responsibility for the leadership and organisation of their house for the forthcoming year and they are supported by a P6 Vice Captain. The House Captains and Vice Captains work tirelessly to ensure their house members are working together to earn House Points through living and demonstrating our School Values of being happy, kind, honest and respectful.

House points are also awarded at House Events, although this year we will need to be creative with how we organise these to ensure we don’t mix bubbles!.  At the end of the year, house points are added together and the house with the most points wins the overall house competition and they life the much coveted House Cup.

Recently, the P7 and P6 pupils prepared and presented an election speech to their peers and each house then chose their captains and vice captains.   A huge congratulations to our House Captains and Vice Captains and also a huge thank you to all the children who worked hard to prepare and deliver their election speeches.  We were delighted to see so many children keen to take on leadership roles with in our school.

House Captains and Vice Captains for 2020/2021 are (and for the very first time, we have a joint captaincy)

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Lugton House Captain
Lugton Vice Captain
Glazert House Captain
Glazert Vice Captain
Clerkland House Captain
Clerkland House Captain
Clerkland Vice Captain




John Muir Award

This session Primary 6 and 7 are going to be working towards their John  Muir award. This award asks us to discover a wild place within our local environment and explore all it has to offer. If you would like to know more about this please follow the link

In Dunlop we are incredibly fortunate that we have so many beautiful spots on our doorstep for us all to discover.

On Wednesday both classes ventured down to the Millennium Woods. Whilst we were there the children were asked to sketch a particular viewpoint, which when back in the class they would paint in watercolours. Their second task was to write down a variety of descriptions, using their senses. These descriptions will be used to create a piece of creative writing.

As we work towards the award the children will be given the opportunity to suggest ideas and we are really looking forward to hearing what they come up with.

Primary 7 – Chocolate Apprentice Style Challenge

Primary 7 were assigned a team challenge of creating their own chocolate bar. After coming up with the ingredients, they then had to create the name of their bar and design a wrapper which would appeal to consumers. Finally they had to create their persuasive pitch to convince consumers (primary 5 and 6) to choose their product. This pitch was recorded and then shown to the classes via Teams.

The most votes went to the 50/50 bar.

Well done to all P7  – you all blew me away with your creative ideas and team work.

Happy Harvest Helpers!

Dear Kind Families of Dunlop

Thank you so much for your donations to our Harvest Collection, the photographs speak for themselves!

May we offer a huge thank you to you for your very generous support and The Salvation Army also extends a huge thank you too.  They asked me to say, there will be many families and people from the East Ayrshire area who benefit from your kindness.

Some of our P1 pupils helped pack the Harvest ready for collection and they were exhausted by how much they had to pack!


  with kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Primary 7 – Term 1 Targets



Pupils will read two novels this term and apply the six reading comprehension strategies (prior knowledge, metalinguistics, visualisation, inference, main idea and summary). We are currently reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne and then will move on to Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian.

Media Block

After reading both of the above novels, pupils will complete a Media Block which involves developing literacy skills using moving image text. Pupils will analyse and discuss how the film maker uses various ‘Tools of Film’ (such as camera, sound/music, lighting/colour etc) to tell a visual story. A letter will be sent home prior to this.


Narrative writing – focusing on describing a setting, characterisation and incorporating a range of figurative language (hyperbole, personification, metaphors, similes etc). We will also be looking at techniques used to build suspense in story writing.

As part of our WW2 topic, we will be writing newspaper reports and biographies.

Pupils will continue to develop their tools for writing and applying this consistently across all writing.

Listening and Talking

In November, Primary 7 will deliver their Rosemary Thomson speeches. Letters will be sent home with more information.

Numeracy and Maths

Addition and Subtraction

  • Add and subtract 4 digits and beyond
  • Add and subtract negative numbers applying this to real life contexts.
  • Add and subtract decimals of varying places e.g. 2 – 1.06

Multiplication and Division

  • Multiply 4 digit whole numbers by single and 2 digit whole numbers
  • Use a variety of strategies to multiply and divide by common multiples of 10, 100, 1000.
  • Division by a single digit and interpret answers to division problems

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

  • Show where any fraction, decimal fraction or percent lies on a number line
  • Convert between simple fractions, decimal fractions and percentages
  • Find fractions of amounts


P7 have already covered a block of learning on perimeter and area. They focused on perimeter and area of composite shapes.


This term our topic is World War 2. We will be learning about war on the home front: The Blitz, evacuation, rationing etc. After the October holidays we will look at war in Germany, with a focus on the Holocaust.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 7 will be learning about substance misuse and the effects this has on them physically and mentally. We will also be looking at Growth and Fixed Mindsets and through our IDL topic the children will look at equality and relationships, using the Story of Anne Frank.