Category Archives: Primary 6

Big Book Bash – Extreme Reading Home Challenge!

Dunlop Primary School and ECC , Big Book Bash and World Book Day 2020 – Extreme Reading Home Task

Thank you so much to the boys and girls from both the primary and ECC who took part in the Extreme Reading Challenge, please enjoy looking at the photographs below.

Please note – some of our extreme readers look like they are in danger but we can safely report, no one was injured and lots of good fun was had by all!

Thank you again for taking part, with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Primary 6 Wind Power

As part of our climate change topic primary 6 have been learning about different types of renewable energy. We have been completing different STEAM challenges and our last one was to build a simple wind turbine. The children had to work in groups and were given different resources, depending on the country they represented.



As you can see from the videos below, some of the turbines were more successful than others.



Primary 6 Coding

What a busy day! This afternoon Primary 6 were experimenting with BBC Microbits. The children had fun programming their micro bits to count their steps.
During the lesson the children used block code to program. They also managed to adapt their code in order to improve their “Fitbits”.
The children also put their maths skills to the test when they made watch straps in order to support their Microbits.

Primary 6 Photography Competition

Primary 6 have been invited to enter the Kilmaurs Photography Clubs annual photograph competition in March. This year the theme is “Our Town” and as you can imagine the children had lots of ideas about the areas they wanted to capture to show Dunlop off at its best.
We were very fortunate that Mrs Cooley was able to come into school to offer us all some advice on how to capture that perfect picture. I now have the huge task on trying to narrow down the huge selection of pictures down in order for the class to select their 6 favourite images.

Primary 6 Beat the Flood

Here are the finished creations from P6. As you can see they have all shown real creativity here and completed the challenge well. Some of the houses were more successful than others at “beating the flood”. Well done Primary 6.


Numeracy Parent/Carer Information Booklets

After feedback from Parent/carers we have created information booklets to give more clarity in some of the concepts covered in school with notes on how to lay out calculations and the language used when discussing numeracy with your child. These booklets cover a whole level which can take up to 3 years to cover so please be mindful of the stage your child is at and use the Numeracy Bookmarks that were sent home earlier in the session to guide you.

DPS Early Level Parent Booklet

DPS First Level Parent Booklet

DPS Second Level Parent Booklet

DPS Third Level Parent Booklet

Thank you