Category Archives: Primary 6 21/22

Sponsored Walk 2021

On Friday afternoon the whole school braved the weather and set off up Trindle Green as part of our sponsored walk. We are very lucky to have such a beautiful walk on our doorstep and as you can see from the smiling faces everyone had great fun!

So far our Sponsored Event has raised over £1300! Thank you to all families who have supported this event and helped us to raise such an incredible amount of money. It is not too late to hand sponsor money into the school, if you still have some at home.



P6 – Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

P6 used their creative thinking and problem solving skills during their start of day activity today. Pupils combined the attributes of two different products to create and design a new concept.

We shared our ideas with one another and Mrs Kelly was very impressed with the different ideas the pupils had created including:

  • a self cleaning car
  • eco friendly brakes for a train
  • a lazy eating chair
  • a freezing teddy bear from warm nights
  • drone pram

Primary 6 – Learning Targets

It has been so lovely to welcome back the same children again into Primary 6, we have well and truly hit the ground running! I am really looking forward to another great year together, here is a flavour of what we will be getting up to:



To begin the term, we will be revising and extending our knowledge of place value. Alongside this we will continue to work on the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), developing different strategies to answer problems in a variety of contexts.

Next, we will move on to rounding and estimating numbers.




The children will begin the term reading ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo. Active Literacy reading strategies (Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary) will be used to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content being read in class.



This term we will be visiting letter writing, persuasive writing and explanation texts.

The main focus will be on our tools for writing (punctuation, paragraphing, spelling, connectives, and sentence openers) with children learning how to use these features to enhance their writing further.



This term, we will be beginning our Discover John Muir award which will run throughout the academic year.

We will also be completing a short block on the organs of the human body as this was started in Primary 5 but not finished in its entirety. We will be learning about the different organs of the body and their functions. We hope to complete some practical experiments alongside this too – keep your eyes on the blog for pictures!



Health and Wellbeing

Alongside our work on the human body the children will be looking at how we can prevent causing harm to our bodies, ie through substance misuse and leading a healthy lifestyle.

As part of our work on emotional health, we will be focusing on self-esteem and image, paying particular attention to the effects of social media and peer pressure.