Category Archives: Primary 6 21/22

Primary 6 – Mock Murder Trial

We have been learning about the life of Mary, Queen of Scots over the past 2 weeks. Today, we had a mock murder trial where we debated who killed Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley.

Some children played the roles of the suspects Mary, Queen Elizabeth and James Hepburn. While others played the judge and his assistants who were in charge of presenting the case to the rest of the class who acted as the jury.

It was a very fun afternoon with some very heated debates about who was guilty and what their reasons for murdering Henry Stuart would have been.

Primary 6 ‘s Term 2 Learning Targets


Some areas we will be covering this term are:

  • how to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers
  • about negative numbers and their place on a number line
  • how to multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
  • how to calculate the mean, mode, median and range of data samples.

We will also be revising some of the areas which have been covered previously this year, such as:

  • finding percentages of numbers
  • equivalent fractions
  • place value (including decimal notation)
  • the four number processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using numbers with up to 2 decimal places.

Alongside this we will be completing number talks where the children will be encouraged to talk through how they are figuring out problems as well as using different strategies to help them.




To begin the term we will be undertaking a Media Block which involves developing literacy skills using moving image text. Pupils will analyse and discuss how the film maker uses various ‘Tools of Film’ (such as camera, sound/music, lighting/colour etc) to tell a visual story. A letter will be sent home prior to this.

Later this term the children will be reading ‘Dark Isle’ by D.A. Nelson. Active Literacy reading strategies (Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary) will be used to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content being read in class.



This term we will be visiting a range of different genres through taught writing lessons and our IDL topics, including: discursive writing, newspaper articles and diary entries.

The main focus will be on our tools for writing (punctuation, paragraphing, spelling, connectives, and sentence openers) with children learning how to use these features to enhance their writing further.



We will be completing a short topic on Mary Queen of Scots to coincide with Scottish Fortnight. We will be learning about Mary’s life, her family tree and about her relationship with Queen Elizabeth the First.

This will lead into our next topic on Scottish Parliament. We will be forming our own political parties and creating manifestos for things we would like to change in our local community. We will then be running an election campaign and debating our manifestos with other parities in the class. Alongside this we will be learning about the roles of different members of Scottish Parliament.


Health and Wellbeing

This year will be introducing Emotion Works, which is an educational programme designed to encourage children to become more emotionally literate.

This term, we will be starting with the vocabulary for different emotions. After this we will be looking at our behaviours when we are feeling these emotions.

In P.E. we will be completing a block of learning on indoor curling, circuits and gymnastics.

P6 Festive Activities

P6 Festive Activities for Self-Isolation

Please find below the link to a Thinglink virtual classroom for P1 pupils self-isolating at home. Within the Thinglink are a range of festive activities and links.

If using these please remember our guidance is that under 13s should not watch any YouTube clips without adult supervision.
EAC P6/7 Festive Virtual Classroom