Category Archives: Primary 5 21/22

Primary 5 Literacy – Story Mapping

Primary 5 have been enjoying reading ‘Coraline’ as our class novel and have been working very hard using Active Literacy strategies such as Inference and Visualisation to discuss what we have read and develop our understanding.

As part of our comprehension tasks, we have been story mapping, using the Pie Corbett approach,  to show the main ideas and key points from each chapter to show that we can identify what took place and start to consider the important points of the text. We have also completed a story board task to summarise and show our comprehension of each chapter.

When story mapping, children consider the key events and use a mixture of images and descriptive words to create a summary. We then use this to re-read throughout the week and build upon, enhancing our knowledge and securing our understanding of each chapter. We think about what images would represent the concepts of the sentences we are writing and use these to help us quickly identify parts of the chapter, which we can use for follow up tasks.

Have a look at the Sway below to see some examples of our super work!

Primary 5 Number Talks

Primary 5 were introduced to the Numeracy Blueprint boards as part of our number talk programme. We learned how to play a partner game in which we ask questions to identify a number, such as ‘is your number a factor of_?’ and ‘are there _ tens in your number?’ to help consolidate our number sense.

We will be using the blueprint boards throughout the term to support our literacy learning.

Term 2 Learning Targets


This term, we will be reading ‘Coraline’ as our class novel and completing a modeling block around the text. We will use our Reading Strategies throughout, focusing on Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, and Inference.

In writing, we will be focusing on Descriptive pieces, using ‘Coraline’ to inform our pieces. We will be working on writing in more detail and deepening our reader’s understanding of character and setting through use of adjectives and similies. We will also look at adverbs in more detail to support our writing and add interest.



We will be focusing on Fractions and Percentages in Numeracy this Term. We will cover Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers, as well as finding Fractions of a number or set of objects. This will lead us into Percentages, where we will look at finding simple percentages using our prior knowledge with Fractions.

Number Talks will be given weekly, where we will focus on developing methods that are transferrable across all aspects on numeracy, allowing the children to gain confidence with mental strategies.


As part of the whole school Scottish Fortnight, we will cover Scotland Across the Decades, looking at the heritage and Culture of Scotland through time and making links to the present day. Through this topic, we will research some famous Scot’s and how their Scientific contributions have impacted on society.

Following this, our topic for the remainder of Term will be the Rainforest. We will carry out research surrounding the climate and environment. Within this topic, there will be plenty of opportunities for outdoor and STEM learning.


Health and Wellbeing

Our focus in Health and Wellbeing will be emotions and feelings. We will discuss different types of emotions and how these impact on our feelings and behaviours, as well as looking at some strategies to help us understand and manage this. The teaching will be delivered using the Emotion Works scheme, which is a progressive whole school approach. We will also be looking at Growth Mindset and creating our own mantra of positivity within the class.

We will be developing our Athletic skills in P.E through circuits and team exercises.

P5 Festive Activities

P5 Festive Activities for Self-Isolation

Please find below the link to a Thinglink virtual classroom for P1 pupils self-isolating at home. Within the Thinglink are a range of festive activities and links.

If using these please remember our guidance is that under 13s should not watch any YouTube clips without adult supervision.
EAC P4/5 Festive Virtual Classroom

Harvest Collection 2021

Our newly elected Captains and Vice Captains met to plan and organise this year’s Harvest collection, and this year they chose the AYRSHIRE (EAST) FOODBANK (seeded by The Trussell Trust)to be the receiving charity.


‘We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.’

Today our Harvest collection was expertly led by the Vic Captains and after collecting the food items they then had the hard job of packing this ready for the foodbank to collect.

Harvest Collection 2021

The Captains and Vice Captains, extend a huge thank you to our school community for their generosity and kindness.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to the Captains and Vice Captains for their citizenship and raising awareness for food poverty.

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


P5 Halloween Fun

Today we were creative with this weeks spelling words since it was our Halloween Fun Day.

We also had fun playing the Roll A Pumpkin Game and doing a hidden Halloween surprise drawing. 

We finished our day with a little  dance to the Monster Mash and Thriller. I am trying hard but my little video clip won’t share at the moment. Sorry.

Lots of happy faces. Happy Halloween everyone!