Category Archives: Primary 2b

Dunlop’s Got Talent 2019

Last term we held Dunlop’s Got Talent 2019. There were a number of different acts all keen to show us what they could. We are always amazed at the range of talents our pupils have from singing to limbo! No matter what the the talent is,  it is the children’s confidence and enthusiasm that shines through and makes it one of our yearly highlights.


P2b Termly Targets


This term the children in P2b will be continuing to use the Active Literacy programme for spelling. This includes phonemes and tricky words.

The children will continue to receive a new reading book each week that is read in school twice a week and can be read at home. Every week the children will complete a variety of comprehension tasks that relate to their book.

P2b will also be exploring the use of capital letters and full stops in all writing tasks. We will also be looking at nouns, verbs, adjectives and connectives, using these in our writing when we can.

We will be looking at a variety of writing genres across term 1. These will include poetry, instructional writing, characterisation, setting, imaginative and persuasive. We will also be looking at “Have a go writing” which allows the children to explore their imagination and spelling without much teacher input.


This term we will be exploring number talks. This will involve using rekenreks, number lines and subitising.

In numeracy we are looking at numbers to 100, place value and exploring mental strategies to add within 20. We are also looking at 2D and 3D shapes and time. Within place value, we will explore tens and units and partitioning numbers. We will also be focusing on number bonds to increase the children’s speed and accuracy.

Health and Wellbeing

For P.E P2b will be exploring large ball skills, throwing, catching and passing. This will lead to playing mini team games. We are also looking at keep fit and how important it is for us to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Within our keep fit classes, we will be looking at movement skills.

Later in the term the children will enjoy some Christmas dancing in preparation for their party.

P2b will also be exploring friends and friendships and they key attributes that make a good friend. This will lead on to bullying and how the  abilities and needs of the children and other young people are all different and that’s what makes them unique. The children will also discuss appropriate targets for themselves and how to encourage each other to do their best.

Through our I.D.L ‘Teeth and Eating’ the children will conduct science experiments and identify how to keep our teeth healthy by brushing them and by providing our bodies with healthy food.

We will also be exploring the topic “people who help us and others ” which will allow the children to learn about different jobs that people have who help us and others. This will also allow the children to interact with the community.

P2b will also learn about the different services that will keep them safe and healthy.