Category Archives: Primary 2b

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom, we salute you!

Today the children in the Kilmaurs/Dunlop Hub school have been researching this wonderful man and they have also made him birthday cards which are now in the post (a little late but better late than never!!)

We wish Colonel Tom a wonderful day and we hope he is enjoying lots of cake as he reads some of his 150,000 birthday cards.

And, huge congratulations to you on your new Colonel title, we all think it is very well deserved.  The children of the hub think you too are a hero!

with warmest wishes, Mrs Nouillan



Fun Home Learning

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the sunny weather and having lots of fun in your garden or just enjoying a community walk.

Today I received photographs from two delightful brothers and they have been having lots of fun together and playing in their garden. They have also been taking their dogs, George and Mildred on walks (if you are a child of the 70s you’ll know!!) although Mildred is taking it easy as she is recovering from an operation so only gentle walks for her!

It is so lovely for us to see the children of Dunlop Primary and ECC and I welcome all your photos for me to add to the blog.

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Big Book Bash – Extreme Reading Home Challenge!

Dunlop Primary School and ECC , Big Book Bash and World Book Day 2020 – Extreme Reading Home Task

Thank you so much to the boys and girls from both the primary and ECC who took part in the Extreme Reading Challenge, please enjoy looking at the photographs below.

Please note – some of our extreme readers look like they are in danger but we can safely report, no one was injured and lots of good fun was had by all!

Thank you again for taking part, with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

P2B STEAM challenge

As part of our STEAM week, P2B had a great time planning, designing and constructing their own Scottish Castle in teams using Lego and blocks. They had to communicate effectively to ensure their castles were finished in the given time.
They used their engineering, art and design, and technology skills to complete this task.

Numeracy Parent/Carer Information Booklets

After feedback from Parent/carers we have created information booklets to give more clarity in some of the concepts covered in school with notes on how to lay out calculations and the language used when discussing numeracy with your child. These booklets cover a whole level which can take up to 3 years to cover so please be mindful of the stage your child is at and use the Numeracy Bookmarks that were sent home earlier in the session to guide you.

DPS Early Level Parent Booklet

DPS First Level Parent Booklet

DPS Second Level Parent Booklet

DPS Third Level Parent Booklet

Thank you

Active Literacy-Phonics and Spelling

Across the session we introduce common words that the children need to know how to read and spell in order to support their reading and writing. These words are introduced and reinforced during literacy lessons and consolidated and assessed on a regular basis.

Please feel free to use the list to support learning at home and recap on the words they have learned in school (your child will be able to tell you which words they are learning each week). It is always beneficial to revisit previous word lists.

Active Literacy Stg1-3 Common Words

P2B Termly Plans


This term the children will be learning;

  • Bridge ten mentally
  • Use and understand the language of addition and subtraction
  • Link addition and subtraction facts using number stories
  • Have solid knowledge of number stories to 20
  • Subtract using tens and units
  • Explore money using coins to pay and give change.


The children will continue to progress through the active spelling tricky words and phonemes.

They will also be learning about

  • Sentence openers
  • Connectives
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs
  • “a” and “an”
  • Singular and Plural

Social Studies

This term we will be looking Scotland as a whole topic which will include learning about Scotland throughout Scottish fortnight. We will be learning about the geography of Scotland, the cities, famous people and even some famous Scottish food, dances, songs and poems.

Health and Well-being

This term we will explore many areas in health such as

  • Setting appropriate targets for myself.
  • Making sensible choices and decisions that will help keep me safe (Internet Safety)
  • Healthy and safety within food preparation.

Physical education

  • Scottish Dancing
  • Gymnastics