Hope this makes you all smile!
We miss you all and hope to see you again soon.
Take care, keep safe and keep smiling
Hope this makes you all smile!
We miss you all and hope to see you again soon.
Take care, keep safe and keep smiling
Good afternoon, I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying this beautiful weather.
I received an email showing these two adorable siblings enjoying so many fabulous home learning experiences and apparently these are just the highlights of what they have been doing in the last few weeks of closure
The little brother has mostly been following the P1 curriculum, as he always wants to do what is big sister is doing and big sister has been very positively role modelling and supporting him.
Sadly to begin with, they were at home for 2 weeks self isolating as the little brother was poorly, but they still managed to be outside in the garden every day, where they learnt about garden birds and made a bug hotel and hedgehog house.
Mummy reports he is now much better and they been spending as much time as possible outside, exploring and having adventures in Dunlop’s enchanted forest and fairy glen.
They have released their butterflies and they also enjoyed watching on the blog, Mrs Gray’s butterflies.
Last week they learned about WW2 and VE Day, including interviewing the children’s Nanny (mum’s mum) about what her parents did during the war.
They made junk model spitfires and V2 rockets and even had a mock air raid in their basement with snacks and torches. They finished the week with a VE Day party, including enjoying homemade scones and trifle. The children have loved it so much, they have been asking every day when they can have another VE Day party!
I’m sure you will all agree, these are super photographs! It is lovely to see the children so busy, happy, having fun and doing lots of amazing learning.
with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan
Education Scotland have issued an newsletter for parents/ carers, please take a look on the link below and if you think this will be of benefit to you, you can sign up to receive a weekly update of when the newsletter is available.
Have a look at the first issue of the Scotland Learns: Parents and Carers Newsletter to see learning activities for Literacy and Numeracy, support on wellbeing and a focus on the theme of food.
You will also find hints and tips, advice for engaging young people with autism in their learning and a creativity challenge.
Go to the Sign Up page, complete your details and tick the Scotland Learns- Parents and Carers Newsletter option. Don’t forget to click subscribe at the bottom. Doing this will ensure you receive a weekly email directly to your mailbox to let you know when a new newsletter is available.
With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan
I have received even more fantastic photos from our very talented children. There were a lot of fun-filled movie nights at the weekend!
Well done once again to everyone who managed to complete the challenge, I am so proud of you all!
What an amazing group of event organisers we have at Dunlop Primary & ECC.
They have used digital skills along with their acting, cookery, mathematical and literacy skills to provide their family with a fun night at the movies.
Please click on these links below:
Hunger Games Drawing Interval movie 12
Good afternoon, I received an email from a mummy of a P1 pupil and she has shared lots and lots of fun learning photos..in his words he said:
I have lost two teeth and had a haircut, which I didn’t like at first. I have been going on walks and bike rides, looking after tadpoles (which have now gone back to the burn). I liked making our own pizzas and smoothies (my favourite is blueberry, banana and raspberry). I have been helping wash the car and planting potatoes and vegetables in our garden. I have played in the paddling pool and we had an egg hunt and bbq at Easter and made decorations. I miss my friends but spoke to P1 classmates on the laptop, which was really good. I have been busy doing school work and getting better at reading.
It has been super to see all the fun he is having!
Please remember to email me any photos and I will add to them to the blog, it is lovely for us all to see the children.
with kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan
We have all heard the phrase, “That is not how my teacher does it!” we have therefore created some numeracy help sheets to show you how we would encourage the children to set out their tasks.
Hopefully you will find this document useful.
Dunlop Primary School and ECC , Big Book Bash and World Book Day 2020 – Extreme Reading Home Task
Thank you so much to the boys and girls from both the primary and ECC who took part in the Extreme Reading Challenge, please enjoy looking at the photographs below.
Please note – some of our extreme readers look like they are in danger but we can safely report, no one was injured and lots of good fun was had by all!
Thank you again for taking part, with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan
After feedback from Parent/carers we have created information booklets to give more clarity in some of the concepts covered in school with notes on how to lay out calculations and the language used when discussing numeracy with your child. These booklets cover a whole level which can take up to 3 years to cover so please be mindful of the stage your child is at and use the Numeracy Bookmarks that were sent home earlier in the session to guide you.
DPS Early Level Parent Booklet
DPS First Level Parent Booklet
DPS Second Level Parent Booklet
DPS Third Level Parent Booklet
Thank you
Across the session we introduce common words that the children need to know how to read and spell in order to support their reading and writing. These words are introduced and reinforced during literacy lessons and consolidated and assessed on a regular basis.
Please feel free to use the list to support learning at home and recap on the words they have learned in school (your child will be able to tell you which words they are learning each week). It is always beneficial to revisit previous word lists.