Category Archives: Primary 1 20/21

Primary 1 4th December, 2020

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you are all having a lovely day.

Spelling – ask an adult to read the following words to you.  Try to sound them out as you write them down.

go   got   can   into   we   he   did   as   my   me

Log on to Busy Things today (username – dunlopteacher, Password – Dunlop 2020).  Click Upper Primary 1, Lang:Literacy  & English, Phonics Programme, Phases 2,3&4, Blending & Segmenting, Sound Bites.  This game reinforces sounds covered so far.

Check in to Giglets & My Maths for activities to complete.

Earlier this term we all took time in our classes to talk about Bullying (some of you watched the ‘Big Anti-bullying Assembly’
too), how it affects children and what we can do to prevent bullying in our school. With your help we want to make sure that
everyone in Dunlop Primary & ECC knows what bullying is, what to do if they experience bullying and how we can stand up to
bullies, ensuring that our school continues to be a safe and happy place for us all.
To help promote this across the school we are asking you to be very creative and design a colourful, eye-catching school
anti-bullying logo/badge with a slogan that everyone from the ECC to P7 will understand and recognise. The winning logo and
slogan will then be made into posters and displayed across the school.
There will be a prize for the best entry in each class and for the overall school winner-good luck!
Remember to write your name and class on the back of your sheet and return it by Friday 11th December.

I hope you all have a great weekend.  Thank you for all your hard work this week!

Primary 1 Thursday 3rd December 2020

Hello boys and girls.  I hope you are all working hard at home and are enjoying the tasks.  Mr. Bunny has been asking me why it’s so quiet in the classroom!  He misses watching you all make your spelling words.

Spelling  – go & got.  Trace the words on the carpet, in the air and on your knee.  Practice writing with your spelling partner 3 times.  Check spelling and letter formations.  Use an old magazine or newspaper and find the letters that make up the words.  Cut them out and glue them on your paper.

Today I would like you to write me some news.  You can write a sentence (or two) to tell me something you have been doing since I last saw you.  Remember it does not matter if you can spell all the words correctly,  just try to sound them out with help from an adult.  You should be able to spell our common words though and your writing should have a capital letter, full stops and finger spaces.  Read over your writing to make sure it makes sense as you work.  You can then draw me a lovely picture with lots of super detail to go with your writing.

For Maths today, I have added a couple of games.  Please try to play at least one.

There are some tasks on Education City.  Click on the yellow duck and enjoy!

P.E. – how many star jumps/bunny hops can you do in one minute?

Play ‘Beans’  Practice the commands with an adult then they can shout them out at random.

Runner bean – run around.

Jumping bean – jump up and down.

Broad bean – make a large shape and stand still.

String bean – make a tall, this shape.

Jelly bean – wobble like a jelly on a plate.

French bean – put a hand on your hip and twirl around saying “ooh la la.”

If you have a ball practice bouncing and catching.  Can you improve on your score?

Have a good day everyone and enjoy completing your tasks.  Work hard!


Primary 1 Wednesday 2nd December 2020

Good morning boys and girls!  I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday.  Today’s tasks are listed below.


Today is partner spelling day.  Ask an adult to write the spelling words (go & got) on a piece of paper.  They will read them to you and you will write them 3 times using the correct formations.  When you have finished and checked your words, swap over so that you are now the reader and checker.  Practice your sentences from Monday and Tuesday in the same way.

Click on the link above and watch the new sound ‘w.’   Trace the sound in the air, on the carpet, on your arm etc.  You are very good in class at thinking of where to write the sound!   Practice writing ‘w’ on paper.

Have a go at reading the words  below then circle the ‘w’ sound in each one.  Look for a ‘w’ at the beginning, middle or end of the words.

wet   we   new   owl   web   cow

Practice writing and saying the words.

Log in to Education City.  I have put some tasks in a yellow star with a purple background today.

Numeracy & Mathematics

Practice counting to 20 and back (or go further if you wish).  Write the numbers 0-20.   An adult will ask you to find the number before, after or between some of the numbers.

Today you are going to be pattern detectives!  Collect as many different shapes as you can from around your house or garden.

Can you use the shapes to make a pattern?

Can you name the shapes in your pattern?

What would the next three shapes in your pattern be?

Key questions/talk point.  What properties can you use to describe the shapes?   Decide whether your pattern will have two or more different shapes in it.

Key vocabulary – triangle, square, circle, rectangle, cube, cuboid, cone, sphere, cylinder, corners, sides, 2D shape, 3D shape.

We have been working through The Great Fire of London topic in class.  I have put on the link for some information we have been exploring.  Please have a look by clicking the link below.


Primary 1 Tuesday 1st December 2020

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all fine today and managed to complete yesterday’s tasks.

Please continue with Active Literacy spelling tasks today for ‘go’ and ‘got.’  If weather permits, you could go outside and use chalk if you have it to spell your words or make each word with sticks or stones.  Remember 3 times for each word!

Your sentence today is ‘We got a flag for you.’   Note to parents –  write the sentence on a piece of paper then cut it up.  Read the sentence to your child while they find the words and put/stick them in order to re-make it.  They then read the sentence, write the sentence underneath while taking care to include a capital letter, finger spaces and full stop.  Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Read your reading book and practice your words.

Write 5 small ‘h’ and 5 large ‘h’ in bright colours.

Google search Alphablocks – h and enjoy the programme.

Maths –  Write number formations 0-9 taking care to make sure they all begin at the top of the number.  Continue on from number 9 for as far as you can go.

The children have bee practicing the number before, after and between to 20.  There is a good activity on Top Marks called Helicopter Rescue .  Before you begin, select ‘Find a Number’ ‘In Between 1 to 20.’

Another good game in Top Marks is Robot Addition ‘Up to 10.’  Again please use materials to help your child count eg. buttons, pasta, cubes etc.

For fun after all that hard work enjoy a drawing lesson with Great Artist Mom.  Click on the link to start.


Primary1 30th November 2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well today. It’s quiet in Primary 1 this morning and I am missing all your smiley faces. You will be completing your tasks at home for the next wee while and I will add them to the Blog each morning.
Spelling words today are ‘go’ and ‘got.’ Please write each word 3 times, using the correct formations, making sure the ‘tails’ go down under and the ‘o’ starts at the top. You can then complete some of the activities from the Active Literacy homework booklet eg. using playdough, pasta, lego or buttons to make the words or write them in pencil then coloured pencil then pen. Can you write some simple sentences which contain the words? Have a go! Ask an adult to dictate these sentences for you and practice them throughout the week. “The big red car can go in the mud.” “He has got a fat rat in his den.”
Our new sound this week is ‘h.’ Can you think of four ‘h’ words and draw their picture? Have a look to see if there are any things around you. eg. hot, hen, hat, hop, hand. Practice the formation of the sound. It is a tall letter and should not look like an ‘n.’
Log in to Giglets and click on Baby Bear then complete the comprehension tasks. You all have your login cards at home.
Log in to Education City. You will see a yellow pencil on a blue background. If you click on here you will see activities to be completed. The third activity is a Maths activity which is practicing number bonds to 10. Use counters, pennies or something similar to count as you complete the task.
As an ICT task, practice logging on and off using your Education City password. You can also go into Busy Things (username dunlopteacher , Password Dunlop2020). Click on ‘upper primary’ scroll down to Technologies:ICT & Computing Science then click Tree Keys. This game is practice in finding keys on the keyboard.
I hope you all have a good day and enjoy your activities.

P1 Data Handling


P1 over the last few weeks have been learning about sorting items. In Outdoor Learning, we created our own bar chart to show which was our favourite fruit! Strawberries was definitely the winner! We also sorted some of our outdoor learning resources to see which things we had the most and least of. Great work P1!

Dunlop House System – House Captains and House Vice Captains

When new pupils arrive at Dunlop Primary, their transition is supported by entry into a caring and supportive environment.

Each new pupil becomes a valued member of a small ‘family unit’ within Dunlop and are allocated a House.   Pupils stay within their house until they leave in P7, additionally we place siblings together within a house.

At Dunlop Primary, we have three house: Clerkland,  Glazert and Lugton. These are named after local areas.  Each house is represented by a different colour and we encourage pupils to wear their house colours on days throughout the year.
Clerkalnd = Blue
Glazert = Yellow
Lugton = Red

House Captains

At the beginning of the school year, a P7 is elected House Captain and takes on the responsibility for the leadership and organisation of their house for the forthcoming year and they are supported by a P6 Vice Captain. The House Captains and Vice Captains work tirelessly to ensure their house members are working together to earn House Points through living and demonstrating our School Values of being happy, kind, honest and respectful.

House points are also awarded at House Events, although this year we will need to be creative with how we organise these to ensure we don’t mix bubbles!.  At the end of the year, house points are added together and the house with the most points wins the overall house competition and they life the much coveted House Cup.

Recently, the P7 and P6 pupils prepared and presented an election speech to their peers and each house then chose their captains and vice captains.   A huge congratulations to our House Captains and Vice Captains and also a huge thank you to all the children who worked hard to prepare and deliver their election speeches.  We were delighted to see so many children keen to take on leadership roles with in our school.

House Captains and Vice Captains for 2020/2021 are (and for the very first time, we have a joint captaincy)

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Lugton House Captain
Lugton Vice Captain
Glazert House Captain
Glazert Vice Captain
Clerkland House Captain
Clerkland House Captain
Clerkland Vice Captain