Category Archives: News and Updates

Digital Advent – Day 4 + 5

Hello all,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a lovely start to your week. Apologies for some delay with this weeks advent – please follow the links below see days 4 through 6.

Our festive superstars have been working very hard to bring you some joy every day and we hope you are enjoying so far!



Miss Morrison

Festive Countdown

To get us all in the festive mood, we will bring to you every day a digital advent.

During our festive period, everyone within Dunlop Primary and ECC, including all staff, will present a little something Christmas and festive related and this will be shared each day on the blog.

Day 1 – Digital Advent: The Captain’s are Rocking! Please click on the link below.

Day 1 Advent

Everyone at Dunlop extends a huge thank you to Miss Morrison in P5 for organising and leading this for us! It is certainly getting us in the festive mood!

Kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Parent/Carer Feedback Results

Parent/Carer Feedback

Thank you very much for the responses to our recent feedback questionnaires regarding our School and ECC Improvement Plan, Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) spend and Parent/Carer Consultations.
Please click the below links for the results of these questionnaires and information regarding any actions we have made from this.

Click here to access Parent/Carer Conference Feedback

Click here to access the School Improvement Plan and PEF Parent/Carer feedback.

Click here to access ECC Parent/Carer feedback.

I would like to thank you for your time completing the questionnaires as it not only helps support and inform our future planning but also ensures we are evaluating our practice.
Kind regards,
Laura Kelly – Head Teacher

Dunlop House System and Captains and Vice Captains

When new pupils arrive at Dunlop Primary, their transition is supported by entry into a caring and supportive environment.

Each new pupil becomes a valued member of a small ‘family unit’ within Dunlop and are allocated a House.   Pupils stay within their house until they leave in P7, additionally we place siblings together within a house.

At Dunlop Primary, we have three house: Clerkland,  Glazert and Lugton.

Our house are named after local places and each house is represented by a different colour, we encourage pupils to wear their house colours on days throughout the year.

Clerkalnd = Blue
Glazert = Yellow
Lugton = Red

P7 House Captains and P6 Vice Captains

At the beginning of the school year, a P7 is elected House Captain and takes on the responsibility for the leadership and organisation of their house for the forthcoming year and they are supported by a P6 Vice Captain. The House Captains and Vice Captains work tirelessly to ensure their house members are working together to earn House Points through living and demonstrating our School Values of being Happy, Kind, Honest and Respectful.

House points are also awarded at House Events, this will be when we are allowed to mix bubbles!

At the end of the year, house points are added together and the house with the most points wins the overall house competition and they lift the much coveted House Cup.  This is a prestigious moment for the Captain and Vice Captain and they are cheered along by a delighted house!

Over the last two weeks, House Captain and Vice Captain election fever hit Dunlop Primary and I want to thank again all our prospective P7 and P6 candidates for showing commitment to their house and delivering wonderful election speeches!  Both Mrs Kelly and myself were delighted to see so many children keen to take on leadership roles with in our school.

After voting, I am pleased to announce the following candidates were elected by their peers:

Clerkland Captain
Clerkland Vice Captain
Glazert Captain
Glazert Vice Captain
Lugton Captain
Lugton Vice Captain

As always, I am looking forward to working alongside the Captains and Vice Captains.

With warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan