Category Archives: Literacy

Primary 2 Tuesday 12th January Home learning

Tuesday 12th January 2021


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Using only the numbers below create your own addition calculations (no subtraction today) and work out the answer. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out the answers.

Green for go

1 5 0
 9 3 2
7 18 11


Pink for think

95 14 75
31 16 2
42 11 26

 Today we will continue with some more revision.

  • Recite numbers forwards and backwards to 20/50/100
  • Count forwards and backwards in 2’s,5’s and tens.
  • Order random numbers to 20/50/100. Ask your grown up to give you no more than five numbers that you need to put in the correct order smallest to largest and then largest to smallest.
  • Previously you have learned about odd and even numbers. Today head to YouTube and read this story all about odd and even and tomorrow we will complete some odd and even activities.




Usually in class you would complete questions that relate to your reading book, since it is the first week back you do not have a reading book so instead you can read and answer questions all about elephants.

(If you have access to Twinkl here is the link )

If you do not have access if will upload the text and questions. If you are in the yellow group then you should read an answer the first text. If you are in the purple group then you should try the second or third text and then answer the questions. If you’re not sure which group you are then please send me an email.


comprehension click on the word comprehension to access the activity.


Each day (Monday-Thursday) you should be looking at your tricky words and phonemes. Why not try to make them a different way each day?

For example

Monday Rainbow writing
Tuesday Play dough
Wednesday Look, cover, write and check
Thursday Shaving foam/sand




Red Group

Your last book was Egyptian adventure or The Rainbow machine. This week your new book is The Evil Genie, this is a great story all about Floppy and his unfortunate adventure. This can be accessed via YouTube.


Orange Group

Previously this group were reading The magic key and Roy at the fun park. Your new book is The Dream this can be accessed via YouTube.


Green Group

Previously you were reading The toys’ party and A new dog. Your new book this week is ‘What a bad dog!’


Blue Group

Previously you were reading Lost in the jungle and The Lost Key, your new reading book is Red Planet. This can be accessed via YouTube.

Health and Wellbeing

At the moment school is a bit different as we are all working from home, however I would like you to set yourself a target, it may be that you have a target each week or month. Your target can be for any area of the curriculum. Perhaps you will set yourself the target of always beginning your writing at the start of the line and writing to the end of the line. Perhaps your target is to count to 20 in 2’s. It can be anything you want to aim for. Talk to your grown up at home about what you would like to work on. Then each week on a Friday you could tell me something you have done that week that you are really proud of. This might be something that is helping you move towards achieving your target or it might be something else. I can’t wait to see all the things you are achieving.

Remember to keep reading over the poem ‘Mince and Tatties’ ready for our Scottish fortnight beginning next week.

Monday 11th January Primary 2

Good morning, welcome back everyone. I hope you enjoyed the time off with your family. For the next few weeks school will be a little different again. I will be posting work on here for you to complete. Remember to do what you can fit around you and your family. Work will be posted Monday to Thursday.

Monday 11th January 2021  

Monday 7th December Primary 2 Literacy

Monday 7th December


Good morning everyone! Not long now and you will all be back in class.

Today begin by writing some news. You could write about what you have been up to at the weekend. Did you go for a nice walk or watch some Christmas movies?

Next I would like you to complete some spelling.

Yellow Group

If you are in the yellow group (last week you were looking at ‘oo’) then this week your tricky words are

  • are
  • Dad


This week your phoneme is ‘ck’

sack     back     neck     peck

pick      bucket   rocket

Remember to draw around your tricky words. What shapes do they make? Can you see smaller words within them?


Write each of your ‘ck’ words in a sentence. Remember to include a capital letter and full stop.


Purple Group

If you are in the purple group then last week you were learning ‘ow’ words. This week your tricky words are

  • one
  • first
  • little

Remember to draw around your words. What shape do they make? Can you see smaller words within them?

This week your phoneme is ‘aw’.


jaw     draw    hawk    crawl

awful   saw

Write each of your ‘aw’ words in a sentence. Remember to include a capital letter and full stop.

Friday 4th December Primary 2 Literacy

Good morning everyone!

For literacy on a Friday normally we would complete a spelling test for our tricky words and phoneme. At home ask your grown up to say each word and use it in a sentence so you can then write it down or spell it out loud.

If you do it on paper your grown-up could mark your work using brilliant blue and green for growth. Remember green for growth is fantastic as these are the words you need to work on.

On a Friday we would also take time to watch Geraldine the Giraffe and Alphablocks.

Today you could also divide a piece of paper into four and draw four of your phoneme words, remember to write the words underneath.

Also you could write some silly sentences, try to use as many of your words as possible.

Thursday 3rd December Primary 2 P.E

Good Morning!

On a Thursday we normally have P.E. Our focus has been on small ball skills (throwing/catching). The children have also been using a small bat and ball to improve their hand-eye coordination. If you have a ball and bat at home you could show your grown-up what we have been working on.  Remember to warm up first, perhaps you could be the teacher and lead the warm-up for your family.

We have also explored large ball skills. At home you could show off some of the throws you have been learning. Remember only throw the ball if your partner is ready ( the children can discuss how to show someone you are ready to catch the ball).


If the weather isn’t great why not try some cosmic yoga for kids on Youtube?

Have fun

Primary 2 Thursday 3rd December Literacy

Wednesday 3rd December


Good morning everyone!

Remember to keep looking over your tricky words and phoneme.

On a Thursday, we normally write in our taught writing jotter. We have been focusing on using time words in our writing.

  • o’clock
  • half past
  • today/yesterday/tomorrow
  • morning/afternoon/evening

For today I would like you imagine you have gone into a time-travelling machine and ended up in the past – or perhaps, future.

Remember to talk about

  • What you see?
  • What does the place look like?
  • Whom do you meet?
  • What do they look like?
  • What do they eat and drink?

Remember to read your story, does it make sense? What about your handwriting? Do you have finger spaces? Have you made sure your letters are the correct size?

I can’t wait to read all your stories.