Category Archives: Citizenship

Meaningful May!

Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind

This Meaningful May Calendar has daily actions for May 2020 to help us respond to this global crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning.

We can’t control what’s going on around us, but we can choose how we respond.

Join us for Meaningful May and find a daily way to respond with a sense of calm and purpose.

Take care, with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom, we salute you!

Today the children in the Kilmaurs/Dunlop Hub school have been researching this wonderful man and they have also made him birthday cards which are now in the post (a little late but better late than never!!)

We wish Colonel Tom a wonderful day and we hope he is enjoying lots of cake as he reads some of his 150,000 birthday cards.

And, huge congratulations to you on your new Colonel title, we all think it is very well deserved.  The children of the hub think you too are a hero!

with warmest wishes, Mrs Nouillan



Primary 6 Photography Competition

Primary 6 have been invited to enter the Kilmaurs Photography Clubs annual photograph competition in March. This year the theme is “Our Town” and as you can imagine the children had lots of ideas about the areas they wanted to capture to show Dunlop off at its best.
We were very fortunate that Mrs Cooley was able to come into school to offer us all some advice on how to capture that perfect picture. I now have the huge task on trying to narrow down the huge selection of pictures down in order for the class to select their 6 favourite images.