All posts by Miss Ainsworth

P7 Science Posters

As part of our Human Body topic, primary 7 have been learning about the respiratory system. Pupils had to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding by completing a poster displaying as much information as possible. Each pair then peer-assessed their posters against the success criteria and provided next steps.

Primary 7 Learning Targets



Pupils will read two novels this term and apply the six reading comprehension strategies (prior knowledge, metalinguistics, visualisation, inference, main idea and summary). We are currently finishing The Chancery Lane Conspiracy by Joan Lingard, then moving on to Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden.


Narrative writing – focusing on describing a setting, characterisation and incorporating a range of figurative language (hyperbole, personification, metaphors, similes etc). We will also be looking at techniques used to build suspense in story writing.

Later in the term, we will be looking at explanation texts in the context of the Human Body topic.

Pupils will also continue to develop their tools writing and applying this consistently across all writing.

Listening and Talking

Pupils will be asked to prepare and deliver a speech on a Film Review. In December, the class will also begin to prepare and practise speeches in preparation for the Burns Breakfast.

Maths & Numeracy

Pupils will be developing a deeper understanding of place value in the context of decimals up to three decimal places. They will develop their understanding of the link between equivalent forms of fractions decimals and percentages, to solve problems, justifying choice of method used. We will also be looking at problem solving strategies to reinforce our learning in class.


Our topic this term is the Human Body. Pupils will investigate body systems and potential problems which can develop. Our focus will be on the circulatory, respiratory and digestive system. Within this topic there are a range of health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes also covered, including: how to keep our bodies healthy, food groups and investigating food labelling.

Health & Wellbeing

As well as covering a range of experiences and outcomes through our Human Body topic we will also look at Growth vs Fixed mindsets. Later in the term, we will move on to Substance Misuse.

In P.E, our focus has been on athletics leading up to the Sportshall Athletics competition. After the October break we will begin circuits.