All posts by Miss White

The Human Body

As part of our topic on the human body, primary 6 have been learning all about the digestive system. Today we had fun experimenting with the journey that our food goes on when it enters our body. As you can see from the photographs the children really enjoyed themselves.
Each group used IPads to record their experience and they will use this evidence to create Sway presentations explaining what they have learned today.

Harvest Tea

A huge well done to all of the children of Primary 6 who hosted a fabulous Harvest Tea! The children were great hosts, serving tea, coffee and a huge selection of home-baking.

This is a great inter-generational  project giving the children the  opportunity to interact with  the senior citizens of Dunlop and Lugton. They all thoroughly enjoyed their morning, especially when sampling the delicious cakes that had been provided by our generous families.

All of the classes performed a song from the ECC to Primary 7 (Primary 5 unfortunately were held up on the way back from swimming and were greatly missed).

Below is a link to Primary 6 singing Highland Cathedral, once agian their singing brought a tear to my eye, I hope you enjoy!

A very proud Miss White

Fabulous French

Primary 6 have been working incredibly hard to improve their French vocabulary and conversation. Over the last couple of weeks we have been practising how to say what we are called, how old we are, when our birthdays are and where we live. 

We decided to show off our digital skills also by using the Ipads to create these Chatterpix videos. All of our videos have been added to our E-portfolios for our parents to have a look at but we thought we would share a couple with you.

We hope you enjoy!

Primary 6 Term 1 Targets

Numeracy and Maths

This term the focus our numeracy focus will be on place value of numbers to a million and addition and subtraction. They will develop an understanding  that;

Place Value

  • The place of a number determines its value, ie units, tens, hundreds etc
  • Zero is a place holder
  • The lowest value column is lowest to the right
  • Each column is 10 times more than the one to it’s right

Online games to reinforce place value –

Addition and Subtraction

  • How to add and subtract numbers greater than 4 digits using a variety of strategies, including partitioning (breaking a number into value groups), using a number line and formal column sums
  • Rounding to estimate an answer

The children will also develop their problem solving skills by completing tasks which reinforce the general class learning on place value.



This term the children will read two novels as a whole class group, Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will continue to use our six reading strategies – Prediction, Metalinguistics, visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the story.


The focus for writing will be narrative, looking closely at developing a setting and characterisation. The children will be encouraged to use figures of speech such as simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole.

We will also be writing explanation reports as part of our Health and Wellbeing Topic on the Human Body.

Listening and Talking

In November the class will be asked to prepare a speech on a country of their choice.


Our class topic will be The Human Body. The children will gain a good understanding of the functions of the main organs within the body. As part of this topic they will also look at ways in which to keep their bodies healthy.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be discussing mental health. Using the Pixar film Inside Out the children will examine the different emotions that we all feel and look at the changes which can happen as we grow older.

In PE the focus will be on Netball and circuits.




Supporting your child with Numeracy and Maths



read-right-count-logoCounting with me is as easy as 1…2…3!

Counting doesn’t just mean maths. It’s loads of things… counting out coins, reading the time and playing Snakes and Ladders. Try these activities and you’ll soon realise there’s an endless amount of ways that you and your child can count together.

Counting tips, ideas and activities

Numeracy and Maths Glossary
This glossary has been developed for parents and carers.  This includes early learning and childcare through to 3rd year in secondary schools. It provides clear definitions of some of the commonly used terms in numeracy and mathematics. It is organised according to Curriculum for Excellence and includes images and diagrams to support the definitions. To access the glossary, please click here.

I am a Mathematician
Education Scotland has launched its ‘I am a mathematician’ resource to help parents and carers support their children’s learning with engaging activities to do at home. Evidence suggests that children’s enthusiasm can be affected by a lack of confidence. Parents and carers can play a vital role in reinforcing the importance of maths to their children, promoting a positive attitude towards it and making it a fun activity to do together as a family.

Mental Maths Strategies – Number Talks
Information to follow

Does your child enjoy playing with Lego?  Numeracy and Maths links below.

Meet The Staff of Dunlop Primary School