Primary 5 Literacy – Story Mapping

Primary 5 have been enjoying reading ‘Coraline’ as our class novel and have been working very hard using Active Literacy strategies such as Inference and Visualisation to discuss what we have read and develop our understanding.

As part of our comprehension tasks, we have been story mapping, using the Pie Corbett approach,  to show the main ideas and key points from each chapter to show that we can identify what took place and start to consider the important points of the text. We have also completed a story board task to summarise and show our comprehension of each chapter.

When story mapping, children consider the key events and use a mixture of images and descriptive words to create a summary. We then use this to re-read throughout the week and build upon, enhancing our knowledge and securing our understanding of each chapter. We think about what images would represent the concepts of the sentences we are writing and use these to help us quickly identify parts of the chapter, which we can use for follow up tasks.

Have a look at the Sway below to see some examples of our super work!

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