Primary 7 Termly Targets – Term 2

This term promises to be a busy term for Primary 7. The class will continue to complete their Leadership work alongside Columba 1400 and develop the school garden as we move into spring.


Initially we will focus on Scots poetry, with a particular focus on planning and hosting a Burns Breakfast. The children will learn a number of Scots poems, including Tam O’shanter which they will perform as part of the Scots Poetry Competition.


We are continuing to read Wonder by RJ Palacio. Using the 6 reading strategies allows the children to dig deeper and show their understanding. The main theme of Wonder is kindness and friendship.

Later in the term the children will be reading The Eleventh Orphan by the Scottish author Joan Lingard.

Media Study

As part of our work on literacy the children will interpret the film Zootropolis, by looking at character, camera angles, colour, setting, sound and themes .

Zootropolis looks at different areas of discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes. The children will analyse the different themes and discuss how the roles of different characters move the story forward.  The children will write a critical analysis to demonstrate their understanding.


Discursive Writing

Information Texts – Leaflets etc


Data handling – The children will learn to interpret data using the terms mean, mode, median and range. We will also look at the reliability of graphs.

Algebra – Children will build on their understanding and be able to simplify algebraic equations.

Fractions, Percentages and Decimals – Use understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages to solve a number of word problems.


Health and Wellbeing

Using the language of The Emotion Works, the children will be able to interpret different emotions and expand their vocabulary, allowing them to be more explicit when describing how they feel. The children will also look at how different influences can impact on their emotions.


Initially, as part of our Scottish Fortnight we will be researching the life and work of Robert Burns.

We will then be learning more about the Scottish Parliament, the children will discuss the difference between a democracy and dictatorship and learn about the different roles with the Scottish Parliament. As part of this topic the class will be split into 4 political parties, creating their own manifestos and policies. The topic will conclude with a mock election.

The children will continue their work with Miss Barrett on Rights, Respecting Schools, this will compliment our work on the Scottish Parliament.

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