Winter Polar Bear Art

To make this lovely polar bear art we used watercolours to make a sunrise effect. We pressed cling film on to the wet watercolours to give the effect on the mountains. We used white poster paint to make the polar bears and we smudged pencil and charcoal to make the polar bears stand out. To finish these lovely polar bears off we adding some glitter to give the polar bears some sparkle .

By P7 Blogger MC

Parent/Carer Feedback Results

Parent/Carer Feedback

Thank you very much for the responses to our recent feedback questionnaires regarding our School and ECC Improvement Plan, Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) spend and Parent/Carer Consultations.
Please click the below links for the results of these questionnaires and information regarding any actions we have made from this.

Click here to access Parent/Carer Conference Feedback

Click here to access the School Improvement Plan and PEF Parent/Carer feedback.

Click here to access ECC Parent/Carer feedback.

I would like to thank you for your time completing the questionnaires as it not only helps support and inform our future planning but also ensures we are evaluating our practice.
Kind regards,
Laura Kelly – Head Teacher