P5 Halloween Fun

Today we were creative with this weeks spelling words since it was our Halloween Fun Day.

We also had fun playing the Roll A Pumpkin Game and doing a hidden Halloween surprise drawing. 

We finished our day with a little  dance to the Monster Mash and Thriller. I am trying hard but my little video clip won’t share at the moment. Sorry.

Lots of happy faces. Happy Halloween everyone!


P1-P3 The Wriggly Nativity

P1-P3 preparations for the infant nativity began today, be forewarned, the songs are catchy and the children already said they can’t get them out their head!

To help us get ready for our performance, please open the Sway presentation for the songs, although this is optional!


Once the Sway is open, there are 8 songs, to access the songs, press the play button on the top right hand corner.

Kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan


Primary 2 Words of the Week

In Primary 2 this week we will be learning the sound ‘ow’

Our words this week are:

  • Low
  • Grow
  • Throw
  • Follow
  • Shallow
  • Show

If you would like, at home children could practice reading their words this week.

Some active activities you could try at home could be:

  • Rainbow writing- asking the children to write each word in a different colour.
  • Backwards writing- children write their words forwards and then backwards.
  • You could also help the children to find their words around the house, whether it be on the TV, in a book or anywhere else in the house.