P5 Music Time

I cannot tell you how lovely it is to, at last, be able to hear children singing together whilst still adhering to current guidelines.

The children have been learning how to play accompaniments to their songs using glockenspiels. They are doing so well and I thought you would like to see this weeks achievement.

(Their idea to have girls and then boys) How funny!





Primary 2 Phoneme

Primary 2’s phoneme this week is oa.

The words we have been practicing are:







I have included some activities you could practice at home if you wish.


Rainbow writing- The children use different colours to write their words down.

Pasta writing- Use penne pasta to make the words.

Sand or Rice writing- Use a tray of sand or rice and ask children to draw out their words in the tray.

Emotional Wellbeing Pilot

We are delighted to let you know that the Primary 4 and 5 classes at Dunlop Primary School have been chosen to take part in Emotional and Mental health pilot with Jane Ritchie, who is an OT with many years experience.

This pilot is designed to teach the children about mental health and to provide them with strategies to help them in the future.Jane will work with the children over a period of 4 weeks, using stories and games to help the children discuss emotions and wellbeing.

I have attached a flyer to this message, however I am aware that some documents are not opening, therefore I will also add this to the school app.

If you have any questions please email me at emma.white@eastayrshire.org.uk
Kind regards
Miss White

Parent Carer Information – Emotional and Mental Health Flyer

P4 – Numeracy

Take a look at what P4 have been learning in numeracy this week. We have been using concrete, pictorial and written methods to deepen our understanding of place value. We have also been finding different ways to complete number sentences. As the week progressed and children were more confident doing this, they were coming up with lots of different ways to complete these sentences as well as represent numbers in lots of different ways.

P5 Basketball Skills

We thought you’d like to see how we are getting on with our block of basketball skills in P.E. this term. 

We worked on defending, dribbling and footwork skills today before trying some mini games.

The children are showing lots of improvement. You can hear them calling out in the video clip to let a player know they have put themselves in a good space to receive a pass.

Lots of happy faces and rosy cheeks afterwards.


P6 – Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

P6 used their creative thinking and problem solving skills during their start of day activity today. Pupils combined the attributes of two different products to create and design a new concept.

We shared our ideas with one another and Mrs Kelly was very impressed with the different ideas the pupils had created including:

  • a self cleaning car
  • eco friendly brakes for a train
  • a lazy eating chair
  • a freezing teddy bear from warm nights
  • drone pram