Sponsored Walk 2021

On Friday afternoon the whole school braved the weather and set off up Trindle Green as part of our sponsored walk. We are very lucky to have such a beautiful walk on our doorstep and as you can see from the smiling faces everyone had great fun!

So far our Sponsored Event has raised over £1300! Thank you to all families who have supported this event and helped us to raise such an incredible amount of money. It is not too late to hand sponsor money into the school, if you still have some at home.



Primary 3 Rocket challenge

The children have been learning about the sun, moon and stars. Their challenge to day was to build their own rocket using only 20 pieces of lego. Next they worked with a partner using 40 pieces of lego to create a rocket that included elements from the rocket they made themselves. The children loved this challenge and worked well together. Many children talked in a positive way to their partner when working together.

Primary 2 Spelling Words

This week in Primary 2 we will be focusing on our spelling words.

Our words this week are:

  • with
  • us
  • so
  • this
  • that
  • then

I have included some activities that you can try at home if you wish.


Rainbow writing- The children write out their words using a different colour for each letter.

Playdough- The children can use playdough to make their words.

Lego- The children can build their words out of lego.

P5 Eiffel Tower Artwork

How amazing are these pictures. The children created these over two weeks at art time.

They made detailed line drawings of The Eiffel Tower with black pens before splitting the ink with water to give a nice effect.

They created the background using water colour paints and added paper clouds. 

I love them. Each one is different and such lovely colours. They will be mounted and displayed in class. Well done P5.