P6 Team Activities

P6 have spent today and yesterday completing team challenges to gain points for their team. This has included; news reporting, daily mile, new movie synopsis, sports challenges, STEAM spaghetti tower challenge and a scavenger hunt. All tasks have involved teamwork and creative thinking.  Here are a few photos of their spaghetti tower building. Super work P6!

John Muir Discovery Award

This session Primary 6 and 7 have been working towards the John Muir Discovery Award. As part of our journey the children have had the opportunity to experience pond dipping, geocaching, orienteering and learnt more about the history of Dunlop.

The John Muir Award is a fantastic way to encourage our young people to become more aware of their surroundings and it was lovely to see all of the primary 6 and 7 children having fun and learning more about nature.

Primary 6 created ThingLink presentations to showcase their experience, click on the links below to have a look at some of the work they produced.



We are incredibly proud of all of our pupils and delighted to say that the have been successful in achieving their Discovery Award. Primary 6 will continue on their John Muir journey as they move into Primary 7.