Primary 6 Term 3

Primary 6 are already off to a flying start and have been incredibly busy working on many different aspects of the curriculum.


This term we will finish ready Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and will begin Dragon Fire by Anne Forbes. We will continue to embed our reading strategies with a particular focus on main idea and summary.

For writing we will look at the functional genres persuasive writing and explanation reports. The children will be encouraged to pay particular attention to the their tools for writing, focusing on punctuation.


So far this term we have  covered Money, more specifically hire purchase and budgeting, Angles and Area of triangles and rectangles. For the rest of the term we will look at number, including fractions, decimals and percentages.

Mrs Fullard who will be working with the children on Thursday and Fridays will cover symmetry and tessellation as well as problem solving strategies.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will cover Relationships, sexual Health and Parenthood. The focus in Primary 6 will be to cover aspects of puberty. You can find more information on this by accessing the parent information booklets within the Useful Documents section on the Blog.

We will also continue to focus on our emotional and  mental health and strategies exploring ways to help support ourselves and others.


The children are thoroughly enjoying their work towards the John Muir Award and this will continue until the end of term. There are many aspects to this work including enjoying our natural surroundings, learning more about the science behind nature and sharing our learning with the wider community.

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