P3b Thursday 14th January


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities       

Task 1

Write your phoneme words and tricky words in bubble writing or if you have a laptop or tablet available you could use these to write or type your spelling words.

Task 2

Draw a picture for each spelling word to show your understanding of the words, make sure you write the word next to each picture.


Please log in to giglets https://giglets.com/ using your own personal log in details.

Incredible Illustrators and Wonderful Writers

Could you please read The Shark in the Dark and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.

Amazing Authors

Could you please read The three little Pigs and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.


Please complete only the work assigned to your group

Marvellous Mathematicians- group 1 (Rhinos and Hyenas)

Task 1

Before Christmas we were working hard on our vertical subtraction with and without exchange ‘regrouping’.

Today please complete this textbook page which requires no exchanging, remember to lay out question 2 as it is in question 1.

Task 2

Play this column subtraction game, https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/verticalSub/

Amazing Adders – group two (Lions)

Task 1

We were moving onto vertical subtraction before Christmas so please watch this YouTube video to show the steps of this.

Remember we always start at the units column!

Once you have watched this please complete the textbook page, remember to lay out question 2 as it is in question 1.

 Task 2

Play this Column subtraction game, https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/verticalSub/

Make sure you untick the ‘some tricky columns’ so you do not have questions with exchange.



During our topic of Africa we did lots of animal report writing. Today, I would like you to choose a bird from the PowerPoint I attached onto the blog on Monday, research some information about the bird so you are able to write about diet, appearance and habitat. Don’t forget to include 2 interesting facts and write in sentences!


Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

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