P3a Thursday 14th January

Good morning…it’s nearly the weekend!!

Thank you for all your hard work this week, here are today’s tasks:


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. Your words are below:

Phoneme words                                  Tricky words

  • recite                                                           take
  • city                                                                gave
  • icy                                                                  cold
  • central                                                        don’t
  • December
  • circle
  • circus
  • cinema
  • celebrate

 Task 1

Use elkonin boxes to spell out your words and break it up into each sound. You can use a ruler and a pencil to draw your own elkonin boxes. Follow the hyperlink to remind yourself how to use elkonin boxes.



Task 2

Come up with a code for each letter of the alphabet. Write down your code on a piece of paper.

Now write your spelling words in code.


Task 3

Can you think of a way you could make your phoneme and tricky words using items you have in your house or bedroom? This might be Lego, pasta, or maybe you have coloured pencils or pens and you could practice writing these in bubble writing.


Please log in to giglets https://giglets.com/ using your own personal log in details.

Task 2

If you have paper, create your own book cover for Deer and Jaguar. You could use images from the story or make up your own.



Before the holidays we did lots of work on addition and subtraction with carrying. For today, I would like you to complete subtraction calculations. If you need to refresh your memory, follow the hyperlink – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbZDcEaJer8

Remember we carry numbers underneath in the tens column.

Please complete the tasks attached. You can print this out or complete on paper.

You can follow the link to play this subtraction game.

Vertical/Column Subtraction (ictgames.com)


During our topic of Africa we did lots of animal report writing. Today, I would like you to choose a bird from the PowerPoint I attached onto the blog on Monday, research some information about the bird so you are able to write about diet, appearance and habitat.  Don’t forget to include 2 interesting facts!

I will insert a picture of the report template we used in class. Feel free to print this out or you can write on paper. Remember to write in sentences.

I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!

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