P3a Remote Learning Tuesday 12th January

Good morning boys and girls, it was great to hear from some of you yesterday. Remember to email me your work if you wish to receive feedback.  Here is your work for today:


High Frequency Words This week’s tricky words are:

  • take
  • gave
  • cold
  • don’t

Task 1

Read your tricky words saying each word out loud. If you have some paper, write each word 3 times and use each word in a sentence. For extra challenge start each sentence with a different word and use a connective to extend your sentence by joining 2 sentences together. Eg, I love to go home at night because my family is there. The connectives that you should be using are and, then, so, but, because.

Remember your heavenly handwriting with tall letters and correct letter formation.

Task 2

Write a short paragraph using all of your tricky words and underline them.



Please log in to giglets https://giglets.com/ using your own personal log in details.


Could you please read Why Anansi has Eight Skinny Legs and then complete the Reading Test Questions 1 task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.


If you have paper, draw a detailed picture of the main character in the book. Can you think of 5 words to describe them?



For maths, we will continue to practice sequencing numbers forwards and backwards. I would love to hear how you are getting on with this.

Please log in to mymaths https://login.mymaths.co.uk/login using your own personal log in details.

Please complete the Counting 2 and Counting 3 task. Remember to complete the ‘lesson’ section before completing the task.

Follow the hyperlink to an ordering and sequencing game on topmarks:

Chinese Dragon Game – Ordering and Sequencing Numbers (topmarks.co.uk)



As we would usually complete art work related to our topic, why don’t you try and make some of your own origami birds and display them in your room. Follow the hyperlink for instructions to make origami birds:



Health and Wellbeing

It is important to always share how you are feeling, and in school we place our names on the feelings check-in chart every morning and have the chance to talk about how we are feeling. Today I would like you to create your own feelings monster. If you have paper, draw a picture of a monster showing how you are feeling. You could write a sentence underneath describing your feelings. Don’t forget to give your monster a name!


Finishing task

To finish off your day of hard work, follow the link and practice ‘Count On Me’ using sign language and show your parents how wonderful you are at it!


Remember to practice your Burns poem!

Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

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