Primary 1 Thursday 3rd December 2020

Hello boys and girls.  I hope you are all working hard at home and are enjoying the tasks.  Mr. Bunny has been asking me why it’s so quiet in the classroom!  He misses watching you all make your spelling words.

Spelling  – go & got.  Trace the words on the carpet, in the air and on your knee.  Practice writing with your spelling partner 3 times.  Check spelling and letter formations.  Use an old magazine or newspaper and find the letters that make up the words.  Cut them out and glue them on your paper.

Today I would like you to write me some news.  You can write a sentence (or two) to tell me something you have been doing since I last saw you.  Remember it does not matter if you can spell all the words correctly,  just try to sound them out with help from an adult.  You should be able to spell our common words though and your writing should have a capital letter, full stops and finger spaces.  Read over your writing to make sure it makes sense as you work.  You can then draw me a lovely picture with lots of super detail to go with your writing.

For Maths today, I have added a couple of games.  Please try to play at least one.

There are some tasks on Education City.  Click on the yellow duck and enjoy!

P.E. – how many star jumps/bunny hops can you do in one minute?

Play ‘Beans’  Practice the commands with an adult then they can shout them out at random.

Runner bean – run around.

Jumping bean – jump up and down.

Broad bean – make a large shape and stand still.

String bean – make a tall, this shape.

Jelly bean – wobble like a jelly on a plate.

French bean – put a hand on your hip and twirl around saying “ooh la la.”

If you have a ball practice bouncing and catching.  Can you improve on your score?

Have a good day everyone and enjoy completing your tasks.  Work hard!


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