Primary 2 Monday 30th November


Good morning everyone

I hope you are all doing well today. Our classroom is very quiet today. I am already missing seeing you all today. I will be posting activities on here for you to complete at home for the next few days.

On a Monday morning we begin by changing the jobs in the classroom. Perhaps at home you would like to take responsibility for something in your home this week.

This morning we would usually be completing spelling. At the moment we have two spelling groups.

If you were learning ‘ee’ and ‘ch’ then your new phoneme is ‘oo’ and your tricky words are    by          only.

Below is a list of your phoneme words to try this week.








If you were  learning ‘ay’ and ‘ea’ previously then your new phoneme is ‘ow’ as in snow. This weeks tricky words are       out       now          new







Remember to draw around your tricky words to see the shapes they make. We have been spending a lot of time on our handwriting. Remember to take your time.

You could complete your words on the computer, with bubble writing, play-dough or anything else you may have at home.

P7 Rosemary Thompson Speeches

Over the past month, Primary 7 have been preparing for their Rosemary Thompson speeches. The children were asked to prepare and then deliver a 4-6 minute speech on a topic of their choice in front of a panel of judges (Mrs Wilson and Mrs Nouillan). This speech was also live streamed to the Primary 6 class through Teams.

All children did an incredible job and we are very proud of all of them. Well done P7!!