Primary 1 Tuesday 1st December 2020

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all fine today and managed to complete yesterday’s tasks.

Please continue with Active Literacy spelling tasks today for ‘go’ and ‘got.’  If weather permits, you could go outside and use chalk if you have it to spell your words or make each word with sticks or stones.  Remember 3 times for each word!

Your sentence today is ‘We got a flag for you.’   Note to parents –  write the sentence on a piece of paper then cut it up.  Read the sentence to your child while they find the words and put/stick them in order to re-make it.  They then read the sentence, write the sentence underneath while taking care to include a capital letter, finger spaces and full stop.  Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Read your reading book and practice your words.

Write 5 small ‘h’ and 5 large ‘h’ in bright colours.

Google search Alphablocks – h and enjoy the programme.

Maths –  Write number formations 0-9 taking care to make sure they all begin at the top of the number.  Continue on from number 9 for as far as you can go.

The children have bee practicing the number before, after and between to 20.  There is a good activity on Top Marks called Helicopter Rescue .  Before you begin, select ‘Find a Number’ ‘In Between 1 to 20.’

Another good game in Top Marks is Robot Addition ‘Up to 10.’  Again please use materials to help your child count eg. buttons, pasta, cubes etc.

For fun after all that hard work enjoy a drawing lesson with Great Artist Mom.  Click on the link to start.


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