Primary 1 Tuesday 1st December 2020

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all fine today and managed to complete yesterday’s tasks.

Please continue with Active Literacy spelling tasks today for ‘go’ and ‘got.’  If weather permits, you could go outside and use chalk if you have it to spell your words or make each word with sticks or stones.  Remember 3 times for each word!

Your sentence today is ‘We got a flag for you.’   Note to parents –  write the sentence on a piece of paper then cut it up.  Read the sentence to your child while they find the words and put/stick them in order to re-make it.  They then read the sentence, write the sentence underneath while taking care to include a capital letter, finger spaces and full stop.  Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Read your reading book and practice your words.

Write 5 small ‘h’ and 5 large ‘h’ in bright colours.

Google search Alphablocks – h and enjoy the programme.

Maths –  Write number formations 0-9 taking care to make sure they all begin at the top of the number.  Continue on from number 9 for as far as you can go.

The children have bee practicing the number before, after and between to 20.  There is a good activity on Top Marks called Helicopter Rescue .  Before you begin, select ‘Find a Number’ ‘In Between 1 to 20.’

Another good game in Top Marks is Robot Addition ‘Up to 10.’  Again please use materials to help your child count eg. buttons, pasta, cubes etc.

For fun after all that hard work enjoy a drawing lesson with Great Artist Mom.  Click on the link to start.


Tuesday 1st December Literacy Primary 2


Remember that you should be revising your phoneme and tricky words every day. Why not go outside and throw a ball to someone in your family, each time you catch the ball say a letter of your word. You could make your words from pasta or anything else you have at home.

Tuesday is always our comprehension day. The children use their reading book and answer a variety of questions about their book. The children are well versed in our find it, prove it and talk about it approach. Our focus recently has been to focus on giving specific full answers. For example

How many people looked after the rainbow machine?

You should write

Seven people looked after the rainbow machine.

Green Reading Group

You were reading  The Toys’ Party.

Today would normally be your reading day. Your new book is Nobody wanted to play. This can be found on Youtube. If you can’t access it then I can try to upload images of the book.



Blue Reading Group

You were reading Lost in the Jungle. Please see attached image for your questions.


Orange Reading Group

You were reading The Cold Day. Please see the attached picture for your questions today.


Red Reading Group

If you are in the red reading group you have The flying carpet or A day in London. Please see attached image for the questions.

Your new reading book is either Egyptian Adventure or The Rainbow Machine. If you go to Youtube you should be able to find these. If you can’t access it I will try to put the pictures of the pages on here.


Tuesday 1st Of December Primary 2 Numeracy

Good morning everyone.

Today we begin with some numeracy.

We have been using the Rekenreks for our number talks. If you follow the link you will find an interactive rekenrek that you can use. Ask your grown up to give you a number between 1-20, how many different ways can you show your grown up the number on your rekenrek? Remember to make use of the white and red colours to make a fast five or ten.

Grown-ups you might ask your child to show you 5 in one move or show you 12 in 3 moves and so on.

The children have been working on o’clock and half past. You could try the link below which takes you to the Topmarks website where you can play clock splat.

If you are in the smaller maths group you can complete the task that asks you to revise writing the seasons of the year. You can also complete the activity that asks you to put the hands on the clocks to show o’clock.



If you completed the calendar task yesterday then today you can try the task that asks you to show one hour before and one hour after in digital time. If you can do this then you could move onto the Fun at the Park task. This involves reading a time question and working out the answer.


P3a Home Learning Monday 30th November

Dear class, I hope you are all well and have enjoyed a safe and happy weekend. It is going to be very strange today for me to be in class without seeing and working with all of you. I have prepared a lovely surprise in the classroom and this will be here for you when you return, this won’t be long. We also have a naughty little visitor who’s come to stay and already he has been up to mischief. I will take photographs of his mischief making and share this with you on the blog every day.

In the meantime, I want you to keep learning and you can show your parents how clever you are by completing the work you would usually do in class but at home. Your completed work should be sent to me via email and Mrs Wilson will share my email with your parents, where I will mark your work and give you feedback as usual. I am so looking forward to receiving your work and hearing how you are getting on. If you need me for anything you are welcome to send me an email and I will also be in school all week so I am available for contact via the school office.

Right P3, we can do this! With warmest regards, have a happy day! Miss McClure

Ps, our class advent calendar is ready and waiting and we will catch up on the days when you come back.

Please open the link for today’s home learning programme



Primary1 30th November 2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well today. It’s quiet in Primary 1 this morning and I am missing all your smiley faces. You will be completing your tasks at home for the next wee while and I will add them to the Blog each morning.
Spelling words today are ‘go’ and ‘got.’ Please write each word 3 times, using the correct formations, making sure the ‘tails’ go down under and the ‘o’ starts at the top. You can then complete some of the activities from the Active Literacy homework booklet eg. using playdough, pasta, lego or buttons to make the words or write them in pencil then coloured pencil then pen. Can you write some simple sentences which contain the words? Have a go! Ask an adult to dictate these sentences for you and practice them throughout the week. “The big red car can go in the mud.” “He has got a fat rat in his den.”
Our new sound this week is ‘h.’ Can you think of four ‘h’ words and draw their picture? Have a look to see if there are any things around you. eg. hot, hen, hat, hop, hand. Practice the formation of the sound. It is a tall letter and should not look like an ‘n.’
Log in to Giglets and click on Baby Bear then complete the comprehension tasks. You all have your login cards at home.
Log in to Education City. You will see a yellow pencil on a blue background. If you click on here you will see activities to be completed. The third activity is a Maths activity which is practicing number bonds to 10. Use counters, pennies or something similar to count as you complete the task.
As an ICT task, practice logging on and off using your Education City password. You can also go into Busy Things (username dunlopteacher , Password Dunlop2020). Click on ‘upper primary’ scroll down to Technologies:ICT & Computing Science then click Tree Keys. This game is practice in finding keys on the keyboard.
I hope you all have a good day and enjoy your activities.

Numeracy Primary 2 Monday 30th November

The children have been learning about time. The focus has been on o’clock and half past. Last week the focus moved to digital time. Many children were able to show o’clock and half past digitally.

We have been discussing

  • how many seconds in a minute
  • minutes in an hour
  • days in a week/fortnight/month/year
  • hours in a day
  • the days of the week (names/order)
  • the months of the year (names/order/ how many)
  • Seasons

This week if you are in the larger maths group then your focus is now on using a simple calendar. Please see the image that is attatched to this post. Can you answer the questions about the information that is on the calendar


On which day does Jessica go swimming?

Who has a birthday on a Thursday?

What is different about the last hockey training session to the others?]

On what date is Jessica going to the cinema with her friends?

What time does Jessica’s piano lesson begin?

When is Owen’s birthday?

How many hockey training sessions are there before the hockey final?

Primary 2 Numeracy Monday 30th November

For numeracy we have been learning all about time. Our focus has been o’clock and half past. The children have been doing this very well and now the focus is on o’clock and half past in digital time.

If you are in the group of children who have been completing the workbook then the activities on this post are for you to complete.

You could go around your house and find things that have a digital time on them. You could draw pictures of them. If you have catalogues or magazines you could cut out any pictures of clocks that you can find.

Remember we have been discussing

  • how many seconds in a minute
  • minutes in an hour
  • days in a week/fortnight/month/year
  • hours in a day
  • the days of the week (names/order)
  • the months of the year (names/order/ how many)
  • Seasons