Healthy and Happy Dunlop Health Week 2020

Dunlop Primary and ECC definitely has the healthiest and happiest children (and parents too!) and the photographs and film clips you sent me proves such a bold statement!

It was so lovely to receive the photographs and emails telling me what a wonderful week the children enjoyed – and it was great to see parents enjoying the fun too!

We had children and parents climbing hills, enjoying a walk around the Fairy Trails, biking, scootering, enjoying yoga and Zumba and the creativity for the Community Caterpillar was outstanding.  It is lovely to see the caterpillar still continuing to grow!

The Family Sports Day Challenge was outstanding too and I was most impressed with your ingenious sporting events – the Ninja Wall still makes me laugh and I loved the wheelbarrow race and the splash pool!

To enable you all to see our wonderful children during our happy health week, please open the clip Mrs Wilson has attached on the School App. Unfortunately the clip has become a mini film and it is now too large for upload to our blog! A huge thank you to Mrs Wilson for creatively putting the photographs together into this mini film!

I have shared below just a very small selection of some of the photographs from the week.

Thank you enormously for your amazing work, participation and support – you really enabled this to be the success it was.

With kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan