Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom, we salute you!

Today the children in the Kilmaurs/Dunlop Hub school have been researching this wonderful man and they have also made him birthday cards which are now in the post (a little late but better late than never!!)

We wish Colonel Tom a wonderful day and we hope he is enjoying lots of cake as he reads some of his 150,000 birthday cards.

And, huge congratulations to you on your new Colonel title, we all think it is very well deserved.  The children of the hub think you too are a hero!

with warmest wishes, Mrs Nouillan



Sibling Home Learning Fun

Good morning and isn’t it lovely to see these two having so much fun with their home learning!
These two adorable siblings have been busy with baking, science, planting, arts and crafts and they are even helping out with dishes! I also spy a Spring Scavenger sheet too!

I say it all the time, but we are really missing being at school and being with the children so it is so lovely for us all to see photographs of them!
I look forward to receiving more photographs to add to our blog.
with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Lots and Lots and Lots of Fun

Good afternoon, I received an email from a mummy of a P1 pupil and she has shared lots and lots of fun learning photos..in his words he said:

I have lost two teeth and had a haircut, which I didn’t like at first. I have been going on walks and bike rides, looking after tadpoles (which have now gone back to the burn). I liked making our own pizzas and smoothies (my favourite is blueberry, banana and raspberry). I have been helping wash the car and planting potatoes and vegetables in our garden. I have played in the paddling pool and we had an egg hunt and bbq at Easter and made decorations. I miss my friends but spoke to P1 classmates on the laptop, which was really good. I have been busy doing school work and getting better at reading.

It has been super to see all the fun he is having!

Please remember to email me any photos and I will add to them to the blog, it is lovely for us all to see the children.

with kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Fun Home Learning

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the sunny weather and having lots of fun in your garden or just enjoying a community walk.

Today I received photographs from two delightful brothers and they have been having lots of fun together and playing in their garden. They have also been taking their dogs, George and Mildred on walks (if you are a child of the 70s you’ll know!!) although Mildred is taking it easy as she is recovering from an operation so only gentle walks for her!

It is so lovely for us to see the children of Dunlop Primary and ECC and I welcome all your photos for me to add to the blog.

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan