P2A Termly Plans


This term the children will be learning;

  • Bridge ten mentally
  • Use and understand the language of addition and subtraction
  • Make word problems for addition and subtraction
  • Explore measure through length, this will involve using non-standard units to measure
  • Patterns and relationships
  • Exploring shapes by recognising names, correctly identifying the number of sides, what a side is and sorting 3D objects


The children will continue to progress through the active spelling tricky words and phonemes.

They will also be learning about

  • Sentence openers
  • Connectives
  • True, false, can’t tell
  • Adjectives
  • Wow words
  • Poems

Social Studies

This term we will be looking at transport in Scotland during the Scottish fortnight and this will continue on to include transport in other places.

Health and Well-being

This term we will explore many areas in health such as

  • Taking responsibility for my own learning and behaviour
  • I can use different ways to cope with my feelings
  • I can identify my own strengths and ares for development

Physical education will include mini fitness programme and skipping.

Primary 6 Term 2 Targets

Numeracy and Maths

This term the focus our numeracy focus will be on fractions, decimals and percentages and we will focus on –

  • simplify and find equivalent fractions by multiplying and dividing , stating the fraction in its simplest form.
  • convert simple fractions into decimal fractions
  • understanding the of the relationship between tenths and hundreds in common fractions and decimal fractions
  • understanding the relationship between hundredths and percentages


  • Describe why a budget is important
  • Solve money problems showing an understanding of place value
  • Understand hire purchase
  • understand the difference between credit and debit cards


  • classify different types of angles, including reflex
  • use protractors to measure angles
  • Naming angles using 3 letters
  • understand 3 figure bearings


The children will also continue to reinforce their learning from term one, completing numeracy challenges within the classroom.



This term their will be a focus on non-fiction looking at online reports on climate change. The children will use their reading strategies to help them fully understand the content as well as being able to identify whether the report is reliable.

We will also have a poetry focus this term, where the children will be given the opportunity to analyse a well known poem and then write a piece of critical analysis.


The focus for writing will be persuasive and discursive.

Listening and Talking

The children have all been asked to learn To a Mouse by Robert Burns which they will recite in class on the 27th of January.

As part of our IDL topic on climate change the children will be taught the skills of debating. They will then be given the opportunity to participate in a class debate.


Our class topic will be Climate Change. This topic will cover a number of areas including – 

  • Ways in which human activities contribute to climate change
  • Impact of climate change on the developing world
  • Renewable/non-renewable energy

Mrs Fullard will also focus on the Victorians on a Thursday afternoon.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be looking at the effects of smoking and alcohol on the human body. I am also hoping to have a block of cooking skills.

In PE the focus will be on badminton and the children will also be working with Gordon Allan, Active Schools on Leadership skills.

Primary 7 Term 2 Targets



Pupils will complete a block of non-fiction reading in relation to their IDL topic. This will include accessing information from a range of sources. There will be an emphasis on being able to find the most reliable/suitable source and comparing events within different sources as well as looking at techniques used to influence the reader.

Pupils will also be analysing poetry by applying the six comprehension strategies to develop a deeper understanding of the poet’s intent.


Discursive and Persuasive writing.

Later in the term, pupils will then complete a critical analysis of a poem.

Listening and Talking

For the Scots Poetry Competition, pupils in P7 will be learning Tam o’Shanter by Robert Burns. A number of pupils also have poems and speeches to practise for the Burns Breakfast.

In addition to the above, pupils will be participating in a debate on climate change and learning the various skills and techniques on how to prepare and deliver effectively.

Maths & Numeracy

This term pupils will be focusing on:

  • Data handling, including using digital technologies
  • Money, including credit cards, APR, VAT, Hire Purchase and converting between currencies
  • Time, including solving speed, time and distance problems

For Number Talks pupils will continue to revise previous learning and will be introduced to division and partial quotients.

Health & Wellbeing

  • Hockey
  • Badminton

Due to a busy previous term, Substance Misuse will be covered this term.

For Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing pupils will be looking into emotional changes and transitions.


This term pupils will be covering Climate Change. Some areas within this topic include:

  • Ways in which human activities contribute to climate change
  • Impact of climate change on the developing world
  • Renewable/non-renewable energy



Primary 1 Termly Targets Term 2

Numeracy & Mathematics

The children will:

  • recognise and order numbers forwards and backwards within the range of 20
  • identify missing numbers, the number before/after
  • recall the number sequence backwards 20-0
  • recall the number sequence forwards 0-30
  • identify 1st, 2nd, 3rd in real life contexts
  • double numbers to a total of 10 mentally
  • use concrete materials and a number line to subtract within 10
  • use their own strategies to add or subtract mentally to 10.

The children will sort and recognise coins to £2 and select coins to pay the exact amount for items up to 10p.

They will explore and discuss a range of different devices that can be used to measure time and use the language analogue, digital, hour-hand and minute hand.  They will read analogue and digital time to o’clock.

When exploring pattern the children will create some of their own and say what comes next.  They will count patterns in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.

We will revisit 2D and 3D shape to identify 2D shapes within 3D shapes and sort according to various criteria.

The children will use knowledge of shape, colour, size and other properties to match and sort information into Carroll/tree diagrams or pictograms.

Literacy and Language 

Sounds/phonemes – j   v   y   z   q(u)   x   sh   ch   wh

Common words – get   if   for   on    be   but    you    was    went    his    have    just

If you wish you may continue to practise the above at home using strategies from the Active Literacy homework booklet

The children will continue to read Oxford Reading Tree books appropriate to their stage and learn core words.  Please try to read the books each night as home.  Reading books should be put back into schoolbags as the children read in class and complete comprehension activities.

Listening & Talking assessment this term will be our Scots poem which will be given out this week to practice at home.

Health & Wellbeing

P.E. days will continue to be Monday and Thursday.  The children will take part in small ball skill activities and games, moving to music and Daily Mile.

We will continue to reinforce Internet Safety through age appropriate stories and stranger danger.

The children will continue to explore positive relationships and behaviour through Circle Time stories and games.

We will taste Scottish foods, reinforce our knowledge of Farm To Fork and learn about nutrition and safe and hygienic practices.

Our Social Subjects topics this term are Scotland – The Ceilidh and Pirates  and our Science topic is Materials.  Most of our Art and Design, Drama and Music will be related to these topics.  We will continue to develop drawing and painting skills and make collage and 3D models.

Religious and Moral Education

The Easter Story.  The children will understand that Easter is a Christian festival and will explore the symbolism of Easter eggs.  They will practise Easter songs and make an Easter card.


The children will practise the following in class and can also do so at home:

  • start up/shut down the computer
  • use the shift key, space bar, delete button
  • write their name using the keyboard
  • leave a space after a word and insert two spaces after a full stop
  • use the arrow key
  • print work with help.

The children have enjoyed using the class cameras to take photographs and will continue to do so.

When completing Science experiments during our Materials topic the children will develop practical skills as they select and work with materials and will use discovery and imagination to solve problems or construct models.