P4 Open Hour

Thank you so much to all our visitors for coming along on Monday afternoon to join in our Scotland Fortnight learning experiences.

The children enjoyed working on their PowerPoints and sharing their knowledge with you. The ‘toories’ were tricky but the results are fab and the children are proud of their efforts. You can see some of our finished ‘tartan tammies’ in the picture.

Sorry I couldn’t be there but thank you to Mrs Nouillan for her support.

Well done to Mr & Mrs Milligan and Mrs C. Young for being joint winners of my Scottish Dialect Challenge scoring 9 out of 13. Yay! 🙂

Primary 6 Beat the Flood

Here are the finished creations from P6. As you can see they have all shown real creativity here and completed the challenge well. Some of the houses were more successful than others at “beating the flood”. Well done Primary 6.


Numeracy Parent/Carer Information Booklets

After feedback from Parent/carers we have created information booklets to give more clarity in some of the concepts covered in school with notes on how to lay out calculations and the language used when discussing numeracy with your child. These booklets cover a whole level which can take up to 3 years to cover so please be mindful of the stage your child is at and use the Numeracy Bookmarks that were sent home earlier in the session to guide you.

DPS Early Level Parent Booklet

DPS First Level Parent Booklet

DPS Second Level Parent Booklet

DPS Third Level Parent Booklet

Thank you

Active Literacy-Phonics and Spelling

Across the session we introduce common words that the children need to know how to read and spell in order to support their reading and writing. These words are introduced and reinforced during literacy lessons and consolidated and assessed on a regular basis.

Please feel free to use the list to support learning at home and recap on the words they have learned in school (your child will be able to tell you which words they are learning each week). It is always beneficial to revisit previous word lists.

Active Literacy Stg1-3 Common Words

Primary 5 Term 2 Learning Targets


The main areas of focus this term will be:


  • We will be learning about factors of numbers, as well as finding the highest common factor of 2 numbers. This will link in with our work on Fractions (below)

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

  • Children will use their knowledge of factors to find the simplest form of a fraction
  • Ordering fractions with different denominators and understanding equivalences
  • Making the initial links between fractions and decimals, and then decimals and percentages

Addition and Subtraction

  • Different strategies to add and subtract numbers up to 5 digits.

Multiplication and Division

  • As always, times tables are an integral part of numeracy and there will be continued practise of these to improve fluency and understanding. (I would encourage Sumdog to be used as an aid here for all pupils)




The children will read two novels this term as a whole class group, ‘Coraline’ by Neil Gaiman and ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J.K. Rowling. Active Literacy reading strategies (Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary) will be used to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content being read in class.



This term we will be focussing on recount writing. This will include diary entries and newspaper report writing linked to our IDL topic and current affairs.


Listening and Talking

In late January, the class will be performing verses from Robert Burns’ ‘Address to a Haggis’.



This term, our topic is Mary Queen of Scots. The children will be learning about Mary’s lineage, her relationship with Queen Elizabeth the key figures in her life and will be comparing the lives of young children in the time of Mary Queen of Scots and to their own.



In Science, the children will be learning about materials. They will be learning about the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases and the separation of substances and how this relates to everyday life. This will be delivered through a mix of practical and written activities, as well as through outdoor learning.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be enforcing our new school values. We will also be looking at ways in which we can bring about positive change to our school, wider and global community.

In P.E. the focus will be small ball skills. We will be learning skills in hockey and short tennis.

P2B Termly Plans


This term the children will be learning;

  • Bridge ten mentally
  • Use and understand the language of addition and subtraction
  • Link addition and subtraction facts using number stories
  • Have solid knowledge of number stories to 20
  • Subtract using tens and units
  • Explore money using coins to pay and give change.


The children will continue to progress through the active spelling tricky words and phonemes.

They will also be learning about

  • Sentence openers
  • Connectives
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs
  • “a” and “an”
  • Singular and Plural

Social Studies

This term we will be looking Scotland as a whole topic which will include learning about Scotland throughout Scottish fortnight. We will be learning about the geography of Scotland, the cities, famous people and even some famous Scottish food, dances, songs and poems.

Health and Well-being

This term we will explore many areas in health such as

  • Setting appropriate targets for myself.
  • Making sensible choices and decisions that will help keep me safe (Internet Safety)
  • Healthy and safety within food preparation.

Physical education

  • Scottish Dancing
  • Gymnastics

Dunlop’s Got Talent 2019

Last term we held Dunlop’s Got Talent 2019. There were a number of different acts all keen to show us what they could. We are always amazed at the range of talents our pupils have from singing to limbo! No matter what the the talent is,  it is the children’s confidence and enthusiasm that shines through and makes it one of our yearly highlights.


Primary 6 Natural Disasters

Last term primary 6 had great fun learning about Natural Disasters with Mrs Fullard. At the end of the topic the children were able to showcase their learning by creating models out of Play-dough and filmed their explanations using the IPads. Here are some  of the videos they created.