Primary 7 Term 2 Targets



Pupils will complete a block of non-fiction reading in relation to their IDL topic. This will include accessing information from a range of sources. There will be an emphasis on being able to find the most reliable/suitable source and comparing events within different sources as well as looking at techniques used to influence the reader.

Pupils will also be analysing poetry by applying the six comprehension strategies to develop a deeper understanding of the poet’s intent.


Discursive and Persuasive writing.

Later in the term, pupils will then complete a critical analysis of a poem.

Listening and Talking

For the Scots Poetry Competition, pupils in P7 will be learning Tam o’Shanter by Robert Burns. A number of pupils also have poems and speeches to practise for the Burns Breakfast.

In addition to the above, pupils will be participating in a debate on climate change and learning the various skills and techniques on how to prepare and deliver effectively.

Maths & Numeracy

This term pupils will be focusing on:

  • Data handling, including using digital technologies
  • Money, including credit cards, APR, VAT, Hire Purchase and converting between currencies
  • Time, including solving speed, time and distance problems

For Number Talks pupils will continue to revise previous learning and will be introduced to division and partial quotients.

Health & Wellbeing

  • Hockey
  • Badminton

Due to a busy previous term, Substance Misuse will be covered this term.

For Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing pupils will be looking into emotional changes and transitions.


This term pupils will be covering Climate Change. Some areas within this topic include:

  • Ways in which human activities contribute to climate change
  • Impact of climate change on the developing world
  • Renewable/non-renewable energy



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