Tag Archives: exploring


Good Morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the lovely Spring weather.

Today is the first day of our 2021 STEAM Month.  We have planned lots of exciting learning opportunities for the children to participate in and we will be encouraging your children to share their ideas with us, to allow for lots of responsive learning opportunities also.

S – Science (week 1)

T – Technology (week 2)

E – Engineering (week 3)

A – Art & Design (week 4)

M – Maths (week 5)

I have some STEAM shared learning experiences for you to do at home if you wish.  We appreciate how busy everyone is so, please do not feel any pressure to do these however, if you do please email us any photographs of what you and children have been doing.  Our new ECC email is on the shared home learning grid, and I would be delighted to blog these, please note we never put the children’s name on the blog and we never blog without your permission.

I am also sharing our plans of what learning experiences we will be offering your children through the month.

Kind Regards

Mrs Marshall

shared home learning grid scavenger hunt

Art and Design planner PDF Engineering planner PDF Mathematics NMM planner PDF Science planner Technologies cooking baking planner PDF Technologies planner PDF