Tag Archives: Care Inspectorate SIMOA

Keeping Children Safe – SIMOA

Keeping Children Safe – SIMOA

The Care Inspectorate have introduced SIMOA, the elephant, to all ELC settings.

The SIMOA campaign is designed to support ELC settings in raising awareness and acting responsibly to safeguard, protect and support children’s wellbeing.

SIMOA says be:

Be alert to all potential risks in your setting.

Look around and inspect the environment to make sure a child can’t leave an area without staff or their parent/carer.

Regularly check that all children are accounted for particularly when they are outside, on outings or using transport.

Observe children and think about their feelings and emotional security – use these observations to support children to feel loved and secure.

Assess and take action to keep children safe.

Please open the link attached to see the Care Inspectorate SIMOA poster.

Care Inspectorate SIMOA poster 2022

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan