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Our Summer Sway

Dear Parents/Carers

June has been a very busy month here in Dunlop ECC. We had our Health Week which included a Messy Hair Day, Wear What Makes You Happy Day, a Chill Out Day and our Sports Day with a combination of potted sports and flat races. We welcomed our parents back into the ECC for our first indoor Stay and Play in a few years and it was lovely to share the ECC with our parents. Next year we will have a full programme of stay and play.

We have had lots of fun in the sun and the children enjoyed a picnic in the park.

We celebrated our children moving on to Primary 1 with a wonderful Moving on Ceremony where the children entertained parents and grandparents with a full programme of singing and signing.

Please get yourself a cuppa, click the link below and enjoy looking back at Dunlop ECC throughout the month of June, where you will see the children are provide with lots of learning experiences and lots of fun times.

Go to this Sway

Kindest Regards and Happy Holidays

Mrs Marshall