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Week 3 Mini Forest March 2020

After a 2 week break ,we are back! This week we have enjoyed exploring our Mini Forest again.The children had a dry day but it was certainly wet and muddy on the ground. Mudpies and looking for things in the mud encouraged the childrens imagination. “ive found a stingray”, also “im making mudpies for moles”. A slide was also made as they bottom shuffled down it. Treeclimbing is always exciting and encourages the children to enjoy theĀ  freedomĀ  and shouts of “im in my den” and “look at me!” as their confidence grows. We also had Miss Malloy our student who will be with us for the next month. Mrs Gray and myself are enjoying watching the children as they happily learn new things each week Regards Mrs Orr

Mini Forest week 2

This week in the mini forest it was all about the MUD!!! The children had lots of time to explore it andĀ  get stuck in to it. Mud fishing ,stirring and squelching around in it. They should great curiosity in its texture and the different ways they had to move in order not to lose a wellie in it. The weather also proved challenging and a shower of hailstones provided us with a talking point about ice. Games of hide and seek were popular as the children are becoming confident in their new surroundings .The children are gaining in confidence and happy to be involved in outdoor learning, They are dressing themselves a little better each week and could recall our safety rules . We look forward to continuing after our February break. regards Mrs Orr

Mini Forest week1 2020

Monday afternoon we started our new block of outdoor learning in the Mini Forest. We will be taking 10 children with us each week. The children firstly had to dress themselves and its not easy with all our waterproofs but they did a great job. Then it was outside to go over a few safety rules and then off to explore. Most of them wanted to go into a very muddy puddle for a splash about. They then choose to climb trees …finding their own level of risk, looking for a den and exploring their new surroundings .The found a branch to bounce onĀ  and talked about the different things they found including Ā a wriggly worm. It was a lovely start to learning and Mrs Gray Ā Ms McEwanĀ  and I are looking forward to each week aheadĀ  regards Mrs Orr

Mini Forest Week 5

This week was a mild week for ourĀ  Outdoor Learning. The children splashed inĀ  the puddles as we crossed the playground to the Mini Forest. “Will the icy mud be there?” one of the children asked. The mud was slippery and the children had fun wobbling going down the path. Their favourite game of Pirates with sticks was played. LotsĀ of bouncing on the low branch. We brought Daffodil bulbs to plant around the grass. The children had a chat about the bulbs ..telling us about the water they needed to grow. Then with a little help digging with their trowels they made little holes and planted their bulbs. We are hopeful in the Spring we will see them as we do our park walk. The children showed great interest in them and estimated when they might flower…fingers crossed they survive the Winter.

Mrs Orr

Primary 1 Transition Session 2

The children continued to enjoy the transition to Primary 1, working with their P6 Buddies exploring aĀ  different range of numeracy activities. The children worked together and individually to build towers and buildings with the wooden blocks, follow the sequence of colour and size when working with the elephants. They explored and completing a range of jigsaws, used the mouse to confidently control the computer programmes and used the large dice to play a game on the number tiles.

Mrs Gray.


Week 4 Mini Forest

This week was a frosty cold start to our Mini Forest adventure. The children found icy mud and started to chip away at it with sticks. It was hard work but it kept them warm.They found their sticks and happily continued their pirate games.Ā  They found an icy puddle and broke it ,picking up bits of ice and looking into them.” Bubbles and dirty bits” are in there they said. The moon and sun were both visible today prompting a discussion on” Why are they both out?” Lots of leaves under their feet started a leaf throwing game that gained them points for the winner. Snack today was welcome as we all were hungry after a great morning of outdoor learning.

Mini Forest week 3

Today we started our adventureĀ  on a blustery day.Ā  The children ran off to play pirates again which they had enjoyed last week. They found sticks for their swords and made shelters in the trees. We had a few showers and a few tried to catch the rain in their mouths. We had an enormous muddy area to stamp and get stuck in. The children ran races found their favourite branch to bounce on calling it a broomstick. We also had our HNC student with us who startedĀ  today. Miss McEwanĀ  will be with us each week for Outdoor Learning. We had our snack back in the nursery to help us get warmed up . The children did extremely well today in quite wet and windy weather.Ā  Ā  Ā Mrs Orr

week 2 Mini Forest

It was a lovely dry start to our Mini Forest adventure today. After a recap of our safety rules the children all knew exactly were they wanted to go. Some had a look for things they had found last week. A few running off to play in the mud,mixing and making footprints. The children found worms, and some mushrooms on a branch. Towards the end the rain came on making our mud “super muddy”. The children are exploring and are curious looking under rocks and crawling through the bushes. We has our snack in the outdoor shelter after a hose down to get a little cleaner. Mrs Gray and i are impressed every week by their positive attitude and enjoyment of outdoor learning.