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Wee Gardens September a.m group

On Wednesday we visited the Wee Gardens with our a.m group. As part of our outdoor learning we will be visiting it again this week.

The children enjoyed the walk over and observed the road safety rules. We had a sunny morning and the children explored their new surroundings .They found a  tyre to swing on and huge tyres to sit in. They found moss on the tree trunks  and enjoyed watching the trains going by, They enjoyed using their imagination playing games of “speedy hedgehog ” and ran up and down the hill. They found little stones and buried them as treasure.

We had a lovely snack of cheese sandwiches and water.

Then it was time to return to the ECC… we look forward to our next visit.

Park walk and playground fun.September 20 a.m group


Today due to super muddy conditions in the Mini forest we had a lovely park walk and then fun in the main playground.

The children investigated the leaves falling from the trees. They talked about the different colours and a few collected them bringing them back with us.

We then had a very splashy time in the playground as they enjoyed the variety of puddles. They talked about the size of puddles and how high the water might splash.

They found a spider in the drain and a slug on the wall. Each provided them a chance to observe and to talk about their habitat.

Snack was also outside in the outdoor classroom.

We finished off our morning with some outdoor songs and then it was time to remove their suits. Its much more challenging for children removing their wet suits than dressing in the dry ones and they are getting better each week.

Mini Forest week 2 SEPTEMBER 20 PM GROUP


On Friday our afternoon children had the lovely experience of our outdoor play. Due to the wet weather they showed great interest in the puddles. They chatted about the size of them and tried to estimate how deep they might be? Some of the children took great delight in jumping in the smaller puddles and exploring the grassy area.They also talked about what might happen if you got stuck in a would you get out?

We look forward to our outdoor adventures next week.

Mini forest WEEK 2 September 20 am group


Today our morning group had their 2nd visit to the Mini forest. They were able to recall some of our safety rules from last week .

Today was a day of running through all the paths and using all the little dens and hideaways they could find. The children used their imagination today as they searched for dinosaurs, looked for monsters,toasted mash mallows, played puppies and sailed in boats,

It was very muddy and slippy and they had to navigate their way through a huge muddy area they held hands and helped each other.

They found a long worm and talked about its home and if it had babies. They returned it carefully to a hole in the ground and covered it up.

The children will certainly be tired tonight as they constantly moved around all areas of our Mini forest,exploring and calling to each other.

We look forward to our adventures next week,

Mini forest September 20 pm group


This is our first week in the Mini forest for our afternoon children. We had a lovely start as the sun was shinning. The children had firstly to put on their outdoor suits and then we choose a leader, Our leader has to count all the children and lead us safely to the Mini forest. After a chat about our safety rules they decided to  explore. They found little paths and called to each other as they  went different ways. It was quite muddy and they soon found sticks to mix the mud and to  stand the sticks up in the mud. They found sticks and tapped them together to make music They compared footprints, climbed on small trees and made a patch of mud as a place to sit. We had a snack of pancakes and water. Then the children really enjoyed being washed with the hose by Mrs Gray. We look forward to next week and  lots more outdoor learning.

Mini Forest am September 20th 2020

Hello and welcome

Today we had the pleasure of going into our Mini Forest with our morning group.  For some of the children, it was their first experience and it was a great start. We had to put on our suits and boots and then we had an important chat about our safety rules.

The children all enjoyed exploring the trees, crawling about and finding new paths and trails. They found branches to play on and picked up lots of  sticks and natural materials so they can create shapes with them relating to our Maths focus. The children talked about the length of the sticks and if they might snap because they felt thin. They made a pile of them as a campfire  and recalled going on picnics with their families. Hide  and seek with super counting and clever places to hide was fun to do.

Pancakes and a drink of water topped up our energy levels and then it was time to return to the ECC…..but we can do it all again next week as we will be regular visitors this year as outdoor learning and forest kindergarten is part of our school improvement plan.

Welcome back.

Hello and welcome !

We are so happy to have our children returning today. They have been so busy playing outside with our Outlast blocks ,building and balancing. The sand was very popular with lots of digging and filling . We enjoyed a lovely snack of cheese and crackers and a chat with our friends. The children enjoyed making pictures and we have put them up on the wall in our main playroom. Today  has been a great start and enjoy our photos of our fun.

Healthy and Happy Dunlop Health Week 2020

Dunlop Primary and ECC definitely has the healthiest and happiest children (and parents too!) and the photographs and film clips you sent me proves such a bold statement!

It was so lovely to receive the photographs and emails telling me what a wonderful week the children enjoyed – and it was great to see parents enjoying the fun too!

We had children and parents climbing hills, enjoying a walk around the Fairy Trails, biking, scootering, enjoying yoga and Zumba and the creativity for the Community Caterpillar was outstanding. It is lovely to see the caterpillar still continuing to grow!

The Family Sports Day Challenge was outstanding too and I was most impressed with your ingenious sporting events – the Ninja Wall still makes me laugh and I loved the wheelbarrow race and the splash pool!

To enable you all to see our wonderful children during our happy health week, please open the clip Mrs Wilson has attached on the School App. Unfortunately the clip has become a mini film and it is now too large for upload to our blog! A huge thank you to Mrs Wilson for creatively putting the photographs together into this mini film!

I have shared below just a very small selection of some of the photographs from the week.

Meaningful May!

Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind

This Meaningful May Calendar has daily actions for May 2020 to help us respond to this global crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning.

We can’t control what’s going on around us, but we can choose how we respond.

Join us for Meaningful May and find a daily way to respond with a sense of calm and purpose.

Take care, with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

P6 Buddy Visit

The P6 Buddies joined us in the ECC this week engaging with the children that will be moving into P1 in August. They spent time looking at the children’s Learning Books talking about the different experiences evidenced. Some fantastic discussion taking place, the younger children in the setting also enjoying spending time with the P6 children.

Mrs Gray.