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Shopping in Stewarton

Some of the children went to on the train to Stewarton with a big shopping list.

First they went to the Book Nook on the Main Street to collect the books we’d ordered.  Sarah the owner of the Book Nook kindly donated £60 to the ECC and we chose books to support developing our work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Sarah also read to the children and they got to look at the lovely books she has in her shop.

Then they went to Aldi to choose pumpkins and gourds and they also bought croissants and brioche buns for our French Friday Cafe.

A huge thank you again to Sarah, we appreciate this kind gift!  If you are looking for books for gifts/Christmas etc, please remember we have a wonderful independent bookseller close to us!!

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan



Ongoing Professional Development

On Saturday 7th October, myself and the ECC staff team attended the Early Years Conference at Strathclyde University.  The conference was called Looking Through the Lens: The Creative Zone with keynote speakers Deirdre Grogan and Charlotte Bowes.

During the day, the staff further developed their understanding of the importance of using the environment to develop a wide range of creative skills, including sewing!   We all loved the sewing!!

To finish, we all took part in different workshops led by staff from early year centres across the central belt and it was fabulous to learn from them too!

A huge thank you is extended to our amazing staff team for giving their time on a Saturday to attend this conference!

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Dunlop ECC New Establishment

We are absolutely delighted that the youngest children of Dunlop and the surrounding areas will get a brand new establishment situated within the village.

We are amazed by the design of new learning environment and the quality of the state-of-the art facilities that will be part of the design for both the indoors and outdoors, and after years in the planning, work has now commenced!

With Dunlop Primary and ECC at the very heart of the Dunlop community, we all look forward to the opening of the new ECC and providing the children with the finest early year’s experiences.

Please have a look at the progress so far!

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


The Ladybirds and The Foxes in the Mini Forest.

On Wednesday morning the children had an opportunity to gather their own natural resources and make a butterfly. They were exploring symmetry and had an exciting time trying to find things that would match for both sides in order for it to be symmetrical. An amazing amount of detail went into their creations and we were impressed by their enthusiasm and lovely designs.

They had a great time playing in the trees with lots of climbing and a few happy to sit in little dens and chat to each other. We had a lovely snack sitting in the sunshine and after a another play it was time to return to the ECC.

Apologies photos are not uploading but we will rectify asap

regards Mrs Orr