All posts by Mrs Nouillan

Outdoor Play and Learning in the Early Years

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please open the link to the new East Ayrshire Council parents/carers document which outlines why we offer lots of lovely outdoor play and learning experiences and how this aligns our school improvement priority to national best practice guidance.

The document focuses on

  • Outdoor play and learning in the early years…. what do parents and carers need to know?
  • What about the weather? Why being outdoors in all weathers is essential for wellbeing and development
  • Outdoor play and development and learning in the early year
  • How can parents and carers support outdoor play?
  • The authority document has links to best practice guidance that we use to underpin our practice in this area.

With kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Healthy and Happy Dunlop Health Week 2020

Dunlop Primary and ECC definitely has the healthiest and happiest children (and parents too!) and the photographs and film clips you sent me proves such a bold statement!

It was so lovely to receive the photographs and emails telling me what a wonderful week the children enjoyed – and it was great to see parents enjoying the fun too!

We had children and parents climbing hills, enjoying a walk around the Fairy Trails, biking, scootering, enjoying yoga and Zumba and the creativity for the Community Caterpillar was outstanding. It is lovely to see the caterpillar still continuing to grow!

The Family Sports Day Challenge was outstanding too and I was most impressed with your ingenious sporting events – the Ninja Wall still makes me laugh and I loved the wheelbarrow race and the splash pool!

To enable you all to see our wonderful children during our happy health week, please open the clip Mrs Wilson has attached on the School App. Unfortunately the clip has become a mini film and it is now too large for upload to our blog! A huge thank you to Mrs Wilson for creatively putting the photographs together into this mini film!

I have shared below just a very small selection of some of the photographs from the week.

Dinosaur Fun and a Young Paleontologist!

I received a lovely email from a mummy who said she’d noticed her little boy had gone to his room and was very when she went to investigate…she found he’d been very creatively industrious!

He wanted to show his nursery teachers so his mum promised she’d send it over.  I thought his Dinosaur was so creative, it should be enjoyed by us all!

Dunlop ECC misses our young paleontologist!

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan



Lots and Lots and Lots of Super Home Learning

It has been so lovely to hear that one of our pre-schoolers has been very busy with his home learning and now he says he is ready for school!

We can’t wait to have him and all the other boys and girls join us when we return to school and they join us to be our new P1 cohort.

In the meantime, enjoy these lovely photos of a happy little boy living his best home learning life!

Remember you are most welcome to send me any photos for sharing.

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Dunlop’s own little Monty Don

Good morning, I hope you are all safe and well and in amongst how we are living at present, you have managed to enjoy a bank holiday weekend.

Just before the closure, Mrs Mack was leading the learning in the outdoors area with the focus on planting, growing and nurturing.

The children experienced planting vegetables with the aim of learning about plant to plate and sustainable and local foods.

It is lovely to see that our own little Monty Don has carefully nurtured his seed and now he can enjoy the fruits (or veg) of his labour!

Please remember, if you have any home learning photos you’d like to share with me and the wider community via the blog – you can send them to me at

Please note, I never use the children’s names.

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

When you can’t go to nursery, nursery comes to you!

When you can’t go to nursery, you just have to turn your home into nursery and get everyone involved – even your baby brother!

There was a craft area, sand area, painting play, reading corner and the much loved snack area..this looks a fabulous ECC with lots of fun!

I think we have a young teacher in the making – we just need our school to open now and she can lead some learning with her friends!

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan


Dazzling Around Dunlop During Lockdown

Good morning, today we have another little dazzler who has been busy Dazzling Around Dunlop During Lockdown and baby brother has been enjoying the fun too!

There has been outdoor and indoor fun, cooking, dancing, baking and bike riding!  Lots of super skills and fun!

As I always say, it is so lovely to receive photographs of your child/children for the makes me smile when I open my mail box and find photos of the children so please send them over.

with warmest regards on this very sunny day.  Mrs Nouillan


Sibling Fun and Lockdown Highlights of Home Learning

Good afternoon, I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying this beautiful weather.

I received an email showing these two adorable siblings enjoying so many fabulous home learning experiences and apparently these are just the highlights of what they have been doing in the last few weeks of closure

The little brother has mostly been following the P1 curriculum, as he always wants to do what is big sister is doing and big sister has been very positively role modelling and supporting him.

Sadly to begin with, they were at home for 2 weeks self isolating as the little brother was poorly, but they still managed to be outside in the garden every day, where they learnt about garden birds and made a bug hotel and hedgehog house.

Mummy reports he is now much better and they been spending as much time as possible outside, exploring and having adventures in Dunlop’s enchanted forest and fairy glen.

They have released their butterflies and they also enjoyed watching on the blog, Mrs Gray’s butterflies.

Last week they learned about WW2 and VE Day, including interviewing the children’s Nanny (mum’s mum) about what her parents did during the war.

They made junk model spitfires and V2 rockets and even had a mock air raid in their basement with snacks and torches. They finished the week with a VE Day party, including enjoying homemade scones and trifle. The children have loved it so much, they have been asking every day when they can have another VE Day party!

I’m sure you will all agree, these are super photographs! It is lovely to see the children so busy, happy, having fun and doing lots of amazing learning.

with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Newsletter from Education Scotland

Education Scotland have issued an newsletter for parents/ carers, please take a look on the link below and if you think this will be of benefit to you, you can sign up to receive a weekly update of when the newsletter is available.,6UY0V,3LDTL1,RK3PU,1

Have a look at the first issue of the Scotland Learns: Parents and Carers Newsletter to see learning activities for Literacy and Numeracy, support on wellbeing and a focus on the theme of food.

You will also find hints and tips, advice for engaging young people with autism in their learning and a creativity challenge.

Go to the Sign Up page, complete your details and tick the Scotland Learns- Parents and Carers Newsletter option. Don’t forget to click subscribe at the bottom. Doing this will ensure you receive a weekly email directly to your mailbox to let you know when a new newsletter is available.

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan