All posts by Mrs Nouillan

Keeping Children Safe – SIMOA

Keeping Children Safe – SIMOA

The Care Inspectorate have introduced SIMOA, the elephant, to all ELC settings.

The SIMOA campaign is designed to support ELC settings in raising awareness and acting responsibly to safeguard, protect and support children’s wellbeing.

SIMOA says be:

Be alert to all potential risks in your setting.

Look around and inspect the environment to make sure a child can’t leave an area without staff or their parent/carer.

Regularly check that all children are accounted for particularly when they are outside, on outings or using transport.

Observe children and think about their feelings and emotional security – use these observations to support children to feel loved and secure.

Assess and take action to keep children safe.

Please open the link attached to see the Care Inspectorate SIMOA poster.

Care Inspectorate SIMOA poster 2022

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Dunlop ECC New Establishment

We are absolutely delighted that the youngest children of Dunlop and the surrounding areas will get a brand new establishment situated within the village.

We are amazed by the design of new learning environment and the quality of the state-of-the art facilities that will be part of the design for both the indoors and outdoors, and after years in the planning, work has now commenced!

With Dunlop Primary and ECC at the very heart of the Dunlop community, we all look forward to the opening of the new ECC and providing the children with the finest early year’s experiences.

Please have a look at the progress so far!

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


STEAM Month 2022

For many years now, March has been the ECC STEAM Month.

During March, the staff team provide the children with a wide array of interesting learning linked to the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering,  Art & Design and Maths.   Mrs Marshall will share with our plans and these will provide you an insight into what the children will: investigate, explore, devise, create and experiment with during a very busy STEAM Month (plans will be shared shortly).

You will see from our plans that we are clear that it is our role and responsibility to ensure that the children’s learning experiences are all encompassing high quality learning experiences designed to engage and motivate the children and actively involve them in the learning process.

I have also attached a link below to our Teaching and Learning Policy which outlines our Curriculum Rationale and how we use the pedagogy of play to plan for high quality learning experiences.  It is more than just playing!

Please remember that ongoing we document the children’s learning in floorbooks and we share learning with you via Learning Journals.

Please look on the blog, Twitter and Learning Journals for this month’s STEAM learning.

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

pedagogy of play Dunlop ECC


Early Years Registration

Registration for funded early learning and childcare places will be open from Monday 28th February until Friday 11th March 2022.

As you’ll see from our blog, we are an amazing ECC that provides the children with fantastic experiences and we are getting a new purpose built ECC with a wide range of excellent facilities, including wonderful outdoor spaces for outdoors learning.

There is no catchment for early years, so if you would like your child to come to a small ECC that is part of a village, please open the link for registration details.

Kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Registration 2022

Christmas Caroling with a Difference!

Our much loved and much enjoyed Christmas Caroling with a Difference Concert was a victim of Covid last year, where sadly the mitigations didn’t allow singing.  However this year our concert is back and it is even bigger and better!  Mrs Marshall, Mrs Gray, Mrs Mack, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Murray have truly excelled themselves with the costumes, props and can do attitude to bring to you this utterly charming take on Christmas Caroling.  Both Mrs Kelly and myself got to see it first hand and we were impressed by the children’s hard work and enthusiasm!  I’d like to extend a huge thank you to Mrs Marshall for leading this and for overseeing the filming and putting together the presentation, it is no mean feat when faced with a lack of professional filming equipment but she has certainly produced a wonderful representation of Christmas in an ECC.

Parents, Carers, Grans and Grandads, please settle yourself down, as I proudly present to you, a cast of cuteness and much festive merriment!

Go to this Sway

Sincerest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Festive Countdown

To get us all in the festive mood, we will bring to you every day a digital advent.

During our festive period, everyone within Dunlop Primary and ECC, including all staff, will present a little something Christmas and festive related and this will be shared each day on the blog.

Day 1 – Digital Advent: The Captain’s are Rocking! Please click on the link below.

Day 1 Advent

Everyone at Dunlop extends a huge thank you to Miss Morrison in P5 for organising and leading this for us! It is certainly getting us in the festive mood!

Kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Harvest Collection 2021

Our newly elected Captains and Vice Captains met to plan and organise this year’s Harvest collection, and this year they chose the AYRSHIRE (EAST) FOODBANK (seeded by The Trussell Trust)to be the receiving charity.


‘We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.’

Today our Harvest collection was expertly led by the Vic Captains and after collecting the food items they then had the hard job of packing this ready for the foodbank to collect.

Harvest Collection 2021

The Captains and Vice Captains, extend a huge thank you to our school community for their generosity and kindness.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to the Captains and Vice Captains for their citizenship and raising awareness for food poverty.

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


Welcome Back

Good afternoon everyone,

It was a delight to welcome the children back this morning and it was as if the children had never been away!  The children remembered our handwashing routines, the choosing name cards and that the children are responsible for helping to keep the setting tidy by putting away toys and resources they have finished with!

Today we introduced the children to lunch in the setting, (previously lunch was served in the main hall) and this is where the children will now be served their lunch everyday.  Our catering assistant set up the tables and the children enjoyed sitting with their friends and chatting about their holiday.  More importantly, they really enjoyed lunch and the burgers were huge!

Afterwards, the children enjoyed their chocolate cake outside while enjoying some lovely sunshine!

Please remember as the weather is getting hotter, it is important we have sun cream for your child.  I have reissued the parent consent letters again today.

with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


ECC – P3 Extreme Readers

World Book Day 2021
Extreme Reading Challenge: Home Task
ECC – P3

The children from the ECC – P3 were asked to show us their daring side and their love for reading by taking part in some extreme reading and they rose to the challenge!

Please enjoy our extreme readers but don’t try these at home without adult supervision!

kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Enrolment for Early Years Places 2021/2022

Dear Parents,
It is now time to register for funded early learning and childcare places for the session August 2021- June 2022.

Registration is now online and live and it will be open for registration until Friday 12th March.

Please follow the link below to the EAC Guide to Early Learning and Childcare in East Ayrshire as this clearly details everything you need to know about this process, including the models of delivery offered.

Please also register your child by following the link below:

Please note, registration is now done centrally but we are always here to help should you need any clarification of this process and our model of delivery.

with kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan