Daffodil Morning March 2023

Please see below You Said/We Say from our Daffodil Morning.

We are of course delighted to receive such wonderful feedback!

You Said:

  • A lovely morning, thank you for inviting us. Well done to all the children and the teachers.
  • Thank you, lovely to hear the children singing their Easter songs and thank you for the cakes.
  • Was great!
  • It was great, don’t change anything!
  • I think the nursery does really well!
  • Really delighted to attend, a great show!
  • This was a lovely morning. Seeing all the older children and listening to them and seeing their work, makes me even surer this is the right school for my daughter. Thank you!
  • Absolutely wonderful! Such a lot of effort put in decorating the event space and preparation by teachers and children to put on a great show! Platform for the kids to develop skills and build confidence. Such a lovely morning, thank you!  We really appreciate it!

We Say: Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to our Question of the Month.  We very much value your views and opinions as we believe wholeheartedly in working with you to help improve the service we provide and ultimately help your child in any way we can to ensure the very best start to their educational journey with us and beyond as they move through Dunlop Primary.

In response to the thoughts shared above: After a three year Covid break, it was my pleasure to be able to bring back parents/carers/grandparents and extended family members to join us for our beloved Daffodil Morning.  The Daffodil Morning is an ECC event but it is very generously supported by the whole school and everyone works really hard to put on an amazing show for our guests.  You noted above, you enjoyed the singing and seeing the hall decorated, a huge thank you is extended to all the staff for this but also to the children from across the school, it really is the children that do the hard work!  Through taking part in showcase events, we provide the children with an opportunity to take part in performances and build the performance confidence, even our little ECC children enjoy these opportunities and it was lovely to see them shine in the spotlight and show their singing and signing skills!

It is reassuring to read above that one of our parents feels happy with her choice to bring her child to Dunlop ECC, and then extend this further into the primary when the time comes!  We are a wonderful school, that I and all other staff members too, feel very passionate about, and we all work hard to provide the very best for all children within Dunlop ECC and Primary.

It is a privilege to showcase our school/ECC and children at such events and we look forward to providing more of these opportunities in the future.

Thank you so much for coming along to join us but also for sharing your delightful feedback!

With kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan


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