Monday Mini Forest Adventure

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. (HWB 0-16a )

This week the children have returned to the ‘Mini Forest’ starting our session with a ‘Safety Circle’ discussion about things we need to look for while enjoying our time on our adventure. We had new and  returning children,  who made amazing contributions to our discussion, i.e. glass, dog dirt, prickly objects, dogs, our boundary.

The children then explored the area, working in small groups, discussing the length and width of sticks and branches “1,2,3,4,5,6 metres long.” “Longest stick…shortest stick.” How many children could fit into an area whilst playing ‘Mummy’s and dinosaurs.’

They enjoyed a snack of banana and cream crackers, before our line leader counted  “10” children and  “3” adults, altogether “13.”

Each week we will be working with the children to take forward their ideas to enhance their learning whilst outdoors. As a staff team we look forward to some fantastic adventures during our weekly sessions.

Mrs Gray. Mrs Murray and Mrs Marshall.

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