Welcome Back

Good afternoon everyone,

It was a delight to welcome the children back this morning and it was as if the children had never been away!  The children remembered our handwashing routines, the choosing name cards and that the children are responsible for helping to keep the setting tidy by putting away toys and resources they have finished with!

Today we introduced the children to lunch in the setting, (previously lunch was served in the main hall) and this is where the children will now be served their lunch everyday.  Our catering assistant set up the tables and the children enjoyed sitting with their friends and chatting about their holiday.  More importantly, they really enjoyed lunch and the burgers were huge!

Afterwards, the children enjoyed their chocolate cake outside while enjoying some lovely sunshine!

Please remember as the weather is getting hotter, it is important we have sun cream for your child.  I have reissued the parent consent letters again today.

with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


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