Welcome Back

The morning session was spent in the large grassed area out-with the ECC. The children went a worm hunt finding “Wilfred, Winnie,” and “Wormy…he’s the daddy and he wants to play hide and seek under the leaf.” Looked under logs for bugs and discussed where the log may have come from, “It fell from the tree,” “It came out of the Mini Forest.” Looked for twigs and sticks to use in a broomstick challenge later in the week. Used the sticks to measure the depth of the large puddles on the grass “It goes to the bottom.” Looked at and discussed the bright red berries on a large bush, used the puddles to float their twigs, then one of the children counted her peers before we returned for a delicious snack of a warm fruit scone and apple. During  snack the children spend time talking to their peers and the adults about things they have been learning, things that are important to them and their home-life. The topics are wide ranging and this is a fantastic opportunity for all of the children to be able to have their views heard by others.

Mrs Gray


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