Senses Walk

I can identify my senses and use them to explore the world around me. SCN 0-12a

Today the children used their senses as we explored the park area, we sat on the bench with our eyes closed using our sense of hearing. “Children, teacher, footsteps, running, the air in the trees, wind, birds singing, lorries,” are some of the things they initially heard. We then used our eyes as we walked, spotting a pirate flag in a garden, birds in the trees, puddles in the grass, sticks which we used to make sounds as we passed the construction and MUGA fencing. We then used the sticks to test how deep the puddles were and see if we could step in them safely, before using the sticks to fish out leaves.

We also used our imaginations wondering what would be kept behind the fence, “Maybe wolves, foxes, badgers, Mummy’s?” We explored behind the changing room building wondering “How can we get inside?” “Mmmm maybe we need a key!”

Well done everyone.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Murray.

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