Week 2 Mini Forest Adventures

We continued to discuss and evaluate our safety as we began each session, and as we explored the area. We used the litter pickers to help collect the rubbish in the area, taking it back to the ECC at the end of the session.

We enjoyed the mud using our senses, listening to the noise under our feet, feeling it squish through our fingers and looking as it as it stuck to wellingtons/gloves/suits/sticks etc.

We continued to explore the fauna and flora, look for insects, watch the birds, and discuss the berries we found.

Imaginative play continues to be popular as we make homes in the trees and bushes, with lots of fantastic descriptive vocabulary between peers and adults.

On return to the ECC we decided that next week we would explore the ‘Mini Beasts’ in the area.


Our January Sway

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had a fantastic January here in the ECC, with lots of fantastic learning opportunities.  The children have been busy as always.

Here is the link to our January Sway, so you can have a look at all the amazing learning and play that has been going on here in Dunlop ECC.

Go to this Sway


Kindest Regards

Mrs Marshall

Wednesday Mini Forest Adventure

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. (HWB 0-16a )

Another fantastic afternoon in the Mini Forest, starting with our safety circle, before we started to explore the area.

The children spent time assessing their own risk as they climbed into the trees, and manoeuvred through the bushes. They examined the flora and fauna, before discussing the catkins.

The children enjoyed making marks with sticks and their wellies in the sticky mud before returning to the ECC.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Murray.

French Friday in the ECC

Today was French Friday!

At Together Time we sang our 3 French songs, we managed to get Camembear to come out of le sac magique – he can be very shy and we have to say some very special words to get him to come out to visit us, we practised the words we learnt last week and we learnt how to say ‘my name is’.

The words we are learning are:

Bonjour – Hello

Au Revoir – Goodbye

Oui – Yes

Non – No

Je m’appelle … – My name is ….

Comment t’appelle tu?  What is your name?

Please click on the link and it will take you to the songs that we sing at French Friday.


Have a lovely weekend, we will see you all on Monday!

Kindest Regards

Mrs Marshall

Tuesday Mini Forest Adventure

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. (HWB 0-16a )

The children returned to the ‘Mini Forest’ enjoying a dry afternoon session, again beginning the session with our ‘Safety Circle,’ discussion. Talking about our boundary area,  the risks of the car park area and listening for an adult voice or whistle to return together as a group.

The children explored the areas under the arch of the trees and bushes, listened to the noise the birds made in the large trees “Caw, caw,” found a birds nest high in a tree and enjoyed digging, scrapping and rolling the mud into mud balls.

Ending the session with a head count, a smile of enjoyment and a promise to return next week for more fun.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Murray.

Monday Mini Forest Adventure

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. (HWB 0-16a )

This week the children have returned to the ‘Mini Forest’ starting our session with a ‘Safety Circle’ discussion about things we need to look for while enjoying our time on our adventure. We had new and  returning children,  who made amazing contributions to our discussion, i.e. glass, dog dirt, prickly objects, dogs, our boundary.

The children then explored the area, working in small groups, discussing the length and width of sticks and branches “1,2,3,4,5,6 metres long.” “Longest stick…shortest stick.” How many children could fit into an area whilst playing ‘Mummy’s and dinosaurs.’

They enjoyed a snack of banana and cream crackers, before our line leader counted  “10” children and  “3” adults, altogether “13.”

Each week we will be working with the children to take forward their ideas to enhance their learning whilst outdoors. As a staff team we look forward to some fantastic adventures during our weekly sessions.

Mrs Gray. Mrs Murray and Mrs Marshall.

Village Walk

As we are learning about Scotland and have been talking about where we live, we all went on a walk around the village.  Mrs Marshall doesn’t know Dunlop very well, so we showed her the way to go and told her what some of the different building in Dunlop are.  We showed her the shop, the cafe, the church hall and some of our houses.

We learnt about how important it is to listen to the ladies and follow their instructions when we are walking near the roads, as this is how we stay safe.

We had a brilliant afternoon!

Love the children of Dunlop ECC