ECC – Wednesday Shape Hunt

The Badgers and The Ladybirds took part in a shape hunt within the outdoor area surrounding the ECC and Primary School.  The children enthusiastically took on the role of explorers as they used the curiosity, imagination and observational skills to find shapes within the environment.

The children initially used shapes provided by myself and Mrs Murray to find and compare against the shapes they had found. They then began to use their skills to find 2D and 3D naming the shapes that they already knew,  (cone, cylinder, semi-circle etc) then asking the names of shapes they were unsure of (rhombus, hexagon)

They found shapes made by other shapes, ovals in the ears of the sheep in the wall mural stars and hearts on a poster, circles in the school bell. Thank you so much to all the children that took part in the shape hunt, you worked so wholeheartedly, engaging fully in the experience.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Murray.


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