STEAM Month 2021 The Badgers

The Badgers visited the Mini Forest for an hour long session this morning. We introduced our safety circle, holding hands and facing each other in the circle to ensure our discussion is heard by the whole group. We discussed things to look out for that we should not touch (tell an adult)  such as glass and dog dirt. Things we should not eat, the berries on the trees and bushes (these are eaten by the birds). The areas within our boundaries, the need to ensure we can see and hear each other and where to return as a group during our session.

We then began our challenge to use our observation skills to discover and identify signs of animal/bird tracks/habitat/food sources in our local environment. The children used binoculars and magnifying glasses to look up, down, under, at and through the area. They stood quietly to listen to the birds song, used the binoculars to look closely at the bark, discussed the surface of a rock, built a camp fire, discussed “Garbage.” in the area and how to recycle this and explored the whole area of the Mini Forest. A fantastic first session with The Badgers, during next weeks session we will extend our STEAM learning and skills, taking forward the children’s ideas and interests.

Mrs Gray.

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